Chapter 13: A new friend

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Bella's POV:

"Alright, now that the seating arrangements are slightly different, Im expecting not that much noise." Our adviser, Ms. Angelyn said.

It is currently 35 minutes before classes actually start. Ms. Angelyn just came early so she can rearrange our sitting position. Appearently, a few boys in our class werent paying attention in class and just keep talking to each other. Ms Angelyn got complaints from our subject teachers so she decided to change our seats.

Not only the boys who were noisy, but also some of us so that it would be kinda fair.

Ms. Angelyn did make half of the class change seats but luckily, Im still in the same seat.

Thankfully-  I mean.. unfortunetly Mo ended up having to change seats with Melina; a classmate of ours. I look towards Mo who doesnt seem happy at Ms Angelyn's decision.

Yeah most bffs who get separated (even just by a little) would be upset, but I feel reliefed.. well, I guess only me.

To be honest, taking a break away from the devil murderer themselves whose kinda bound to your hip is refreshing.

Finally! Im free from all the torture- I mean, teasing of Mo.

... atleast for now..

Alright, alright fine.. maybe I do kinda miss Mo. Ya know, just a tinsy wincy bit.

Oh and if your wondering if Mo knows that im finally dating Mateo, well the answer is.. Of course they do!

We've been dating for 3 days already! Of course they would know!

Besides keeping it a secret for 3 days would literally be impossible. I wish I was joking but no, im not joking. They would literally pull out a scissor and treathen me to spill because like I said..

'They go from 'Im gonna stab you if you dont tell me' to 'Im gonna kill you if you dont actually tell me'

Yes. This is a somewhat accurate exageration for a crazy yet great bff of mine.

And you know what they did?! They literally fangirl scream. And thank goodness they didnt actually scream that loud! Knowing Mo, they probably go to their "shipping shrine" every single day to pray and hope that their ship will sail.

"Hi Bella!" Anna said, getting me out of my thoughts and grabbing my attention.

Anna is an aquatance of mine, we've known each other for sometime now, but we never really talk about our own hobbies and interests. I guess now is the time to get to actually meet her.

"Hello Anna," I replied back with a smile, hoping to show her that I would like to talk to her. Luckily, Anna got the hint and smiled back. "So.. since we are gonna be seatmates for who knows how long, maybe we should get to know each other and maybe be friends?" Anna said.

Hmm well I guess she somehow read my mind.

"Sure.." I replied, trying to sound friendly but of course, I feel my cheeks heat up since.. im shy right now, im not used to talking to other people, specifically the ones who im not that close to.

Anna smiled. "Well, hi. Im Anna, I mean, you obviously know that. I like drawing and occasionally reading books. My favorite subject is math. Im horrible at singing, trust me. Its nice to meet you.. personally I mean." Anna introduced herself.

Woah, I didnt know Anna likes reading books! I guess we will be very good friends..

"O-oh well um... Im Bella.. uh.. I like reading books, sometimes cooking with my mom.. umm.. I like the english subject .. and um.. its nice to meet you too.." I said nervously.

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