Chapter 14.5: Just making sure

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Author's note:

Hi! I hope you'll like this mini chapter. This is what Mateo and Dave (Bella's dad) talked about in chapter 14.

Lets see what made Mateo look "scared"


Mateo's POV:

As soon as Dave, brought me upstairs, I suddenly felt nervous because:

1.) OF COURSE I SHOULD FEEL NERVOUS! When I asked permission from him last time, I didnt mention or asked if I would wanna date his daughter!

Its confirmed, whoever isnt nervous around their girl's dad, are pyschopaths.

Okay, maybe not literally but you get my point.

2.) Dave looks so serious! What in the world is he planning? A murder? Hell no! That means I wont get to be with snowflake!

3.) Im pretty sure his standards got higher. Like, Im the first person snowflake has ever dated, so this means he's being extra careful around me.

Dont worry Dave, I'll be the first and last person who will ever be with my snowflake.

Alright Mateo, stay chill. Get yourself together. You got this.

Once we were upstairs, I noticed that he was opening a door to an study or mini office room. I guess specifically his office.

He quickly sat down on his chair and then he quickly got into serious mode.

Oh gush please help me. "Sit." He said- no, commanded. Wanting to get on his good side, I sat down on the chair infront of him.

"So, you wanna date my daughter?" Dave asked.

Um, hello sir? "Im already dating your daughter." Is what I would have said, but again, I have to get on his good side.

"Ah so you dont want-" I cut him off by saying "No! I do wanna date your daughter, Dave."

Jeez, Dave is like a ticking bomb.. not in a bad way but still.

"Good. State your past relationship(s)." Dave asked.

"Well Ive never dated anyone before, I also havent done the deed before either. Sure, I had crushes before but I dont take it seriously."

"So your not taking your relationship with Bella seriously?"

"No sir! I meant that I dont take my ex crushes seriously, but when I bumped into Bella and looked at her, I knew I wanted to be with her." I answered honestly.

He really is testing me huh? Well dont worry, I'll do it for my snowflake.

"Tell me. How did you meet Bella?"

"We bumped in the school library." I said, recalling the first time we met. From the look of his face, im sure Bella already told him.

"Okay, those are just the starter questions, now lets get into the real questions." Dave said, getting something that's under his seat.

Shoot. Those were just "starter questions" what is Dave up to?!

He then placed something on the side of his desk. As soon as I saw it, I felt my heart beat a little faster due to me getting nervous.

Its a lie detector.

"Now Mateo, dont worry, we wont be using that. Im only putting it there because you'll never know when that will come in handy." Dave said in a calm tone.

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