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Brie's POV

"Rose! where is my pink jacket !?" I asked my roommate/best friend. We first met in our dorm, she came here to UK from Ireland as an international student to get her bachelors in social work. We instantly became close when I took care of her drunk ass during fresher's week. Moments later she walked out of her closet with my jacket and a couple of tops she had borrowed. "Girl we should have been on the road by now ..or you will miss the flight" she said in her thick Irish accent. I looked at her with a cheeky grin, she knew me so well. She just rolled her sky blue eyes, tied her raven black hair into a bun before helping me pack my suitcase. She was  a typical Irish beauty with freckles on her face and a nice sharp nose.

The past couple of months have been total bliss, first semester of college had gone great.  Of course fresher's week being the highlight. I was here getting my bachelors in environment studies, don't mean to brag but I had worked hard to get into my dream college and even got a small scholarship. Life couldn't be better, until two days ago all the students got a mail saying that college will be shut because of the virus. To say I was pissed off would be a really big understatement, I thought I would have to pack up my full dorm in two days without any help, I mean that shit would have been hard...but luckily Rose was not going home so I could leave my stuff here till next semester. So basically I just had to pack a few 'essentials' and head on home, but me being ...well me couldn't really figure out what was essential and what was not. So I tried to fit all my clothes into the two suitcases I had till last night Rose had me divide them into essentials and non-essentials. What would I do without her?

After I finished packing my bags I looked around my room one last time to see if I forgot something. Which I probably will realise once I reach home. But no harm checking right? I sigh and drag my bags to the front door where Rose was waiting for me with the car keys ready to leave. "Got everything?" she asked "Yep" I said . "Passport? Phone? Charger? Boarding pass? Carry on? Mask? gloves?" she asked like a mom. "Yes mom can we leave now!!" she just chuckled and walked out.
There was no traffic thank god other wise I would totally miss the flight.

Once we reached the airport I had a frown on my face cuz I just realised I had to say bye to Rose. "Okay Brie bear time to go now" she said using one of my favourite nicknames. "I will miss you Rose"
"I know girl, but do we really have a choice?" I sigh and go in for a hug.
"Call me once you reach okay?" she said, I nodded and walked towards the gates. Looking back once last time I give her a flying kiss and go in. God I am going to miss my girl. While standing at a six feet distance in line I quickly texted my mom saying I was leaving from here.

After putting my carry on in the over head compartment I sigh sitting in my seat. No one was sitting next to me, today was a good day no traffic and no passengers sitting next to me. A welcomed bonus, removing my sleeping pillow I prepare my self for a nice nap before I reach home.

Hi humans!
how did you like the first chapter? lmk ..also if you don't know wat a freshers party is go ahead and google it. Pretty crazy stuff😉. Updates will be twice a week like my other books. Until next time.
bye you👯‍♀️👯‍♀️

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