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Charlie's pov

"Great let's get to work then!" I just chuckled and followed her. She was right, we do have all the time in the world. Better do this now than regret it later.

Once we reached my apartment I opened my storage closet where I kept all the stuff for the plants like the seed. "When did you get all this?" Brie asked me looking at a bag of cherry tomato seeds. "About two months back, but I never saw it again till today."

"Well I'm glad you told me about your little project I was any way think about stuff we could do on the weekends". She said with a smile.

"Honestly bug if it weren't for you, all of this would still be in storage" I laugh and say. She just grinned and started picking up he things.

Once we reached the roof top we first put the table and chairs aside and cleaned the dusty  wooden floor. It wasn't a very big space so we were done with it pretty fast. "I'm hungry, break time?" Brie asked with a cheeky grim.
"Ha ha sure bug let's go".

Sitter in the kitchen we both enjoyed the sandwiches I made, it was quite embarrassing the way we were eating. But we just laughed and continued to stuff our faces. "Did you have any plans before the virus?" She asked. "Na not really, I did want to travel a bit since all of my work is online. Was thinking of going to Belgium, solo trip."

"That's so cool, it would have really been fun. And it's good that the tickets are always cheep this time of the year.."

"Yep true, maybe we'll go next year let's see." I just said we, bloody hell. Quickly I tried to change the topic "What about you?."

"No plans really, just college thought I did want to find a part time job. But that didn't happen."

After we finished our food we were back on the roof top removing all the soil and cleaning/ arranging the pots. Both of us had gloves on, Brie was trying her best to remove a strand of hair with the gloves on. "Come here." I chuckled and said removing the hair from her face I looked straight into her beautiful eyes, but she was already looking into my pale blue ones, I snapped out of it. Looking away I step aside.

Moments later mud was being thrown at me. "What the_" I look over at Brie to see her giggling like a crazy women. "You got mud on my cheek not fair!" Looking at her cheek I see mud on it. That must have happened when I was tucking her hair in. Taking a hand full of mud I throw it at her while watching her run away. "Oh it's so on!"

Hi humans how do you like the story so far? Pls vote and comment.
Special thanks to your_local_thot for supporting my work❣️❣️
Until next time😉
Bye u

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