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Brie's pov

I felt a nudge on my shoulder, causing my sleep to slowly disappear. "Ma'am you need to put your seatbelt on we are landing now" said the flight attendant. I sat up straight putting my seat belt on. It must be time to land in Oxford for the stop over. Checking the time on my wrist watch we had finished an hour out of the five hour journey. Great just some more time and I will be back home in Liverpool, I though to myself.

Once the filght landed I picked up my bags,put on my mask and went towards the next flight gate. That's when I heard the announcement "All flights have now stopped because of the lock down, passengers of flight A-2711 please collect your luggage for the nearest conveyor belt. Thank you for your cooperation." What the hell! I need to get home, what am I going to do now?! Uggh this can't be happening!
I walked to the nearest help desk to ask about what was going on. "Excuse me sir.." I said waiting for him to look at me "Yes miss how can I help you?"
"I was supposed to get on the next flight to Liverpool, but they said it's cancelled so is there any other flight available?" I ask crossing my fingers. "Sorry miss but no flights are going to go now, you can make yourself comfortable in the waiting lounge or catch a shuttle bus to the nearest hotel while they are still working". My heart sank, I just stood there looking at him while he had a sad smile on his face. "Okay um.. thanks".

Getting all my bags I go and sit on  the long benches brainstorming ideas about what to do next. I sigh and give up, taking phone out I switch it on and call my mother first. "Hey Mom" I say in a low tone. "Hi Brie how is my baby? Did you reach Oxford?"

"Yes Mom, but they said that all the filght are cancelled even the one going home, I don't know what to do now".

"Oh, okay baby you sit tight okay we will figure out something I will talk to your father. You don't worry love".

"Okay mom please call back soon". I sigh and cut the call. The only thing I could think of was getting some food into my stomach. Dragging my bags behind me I walk to the closest Burger King and got a big meal to stuff my face, while I forget my problems. I was now sitting here for an hour having a full tummy. Next I removed my laptop and put on Walking Dead, best way to pass the time.

Two hours later, nothing changed...no call. Just when I was about to fall off asleep after finishing the second season my phone rang. It was my brother "Hey Brian, any good news?"
"Hey sis, yep I mean it's kind off good...um we were trying to think about the people we knew in Oxford so you could go stay with them. Charlie is on his way to pick you up right now".

"What?! Charlie Wilson out of the people. No please no.. can't I just get on a bus or something?"

"Kiddo everything stopped an hour back, we have no choice please just cooperate with this plan it's only for a few day. Go wait for him outside"

"Oh god! Uggh fine I am going. Now bye".
I can't believe this, why him out of all the people we know. It's been two years since he moved here how am I going to face him or even better live in the same house as him?. What is my life right now? I shake my head in anger and start walking towards the exit.

It was raining, ah it always is raining and guess what I forgot my umbrella, how typical. Half and hour later his car pulled up in front of me. He got out and walked towards me while zipping up his rain jacket. "Brie" he acknowledged with a blank face "Charlie" I say and move to pick up my bags ignoring the fact that I was now drenched. "I got it Brie, it's fine" he said taking the bags from me. "No it's fine Charlie-" he cut me off "Get in the car Brie said I got it" I roll my eyes and get in the car, putting on some sanitizer.

We were on the way home now, I secretly kept looking at him. He had a slight stubble and his blonde hair had grown a little, but other than that he was the same with his light grey eyes and sharp jaw. The slight rain drops on his face made him glow a bit. I sigh and look out the window. No one really knew how I felt about him, except mom when I told her I had a crush on him back in highschool. Soon after I told her I didn't feel the same once I got a boyfriend. Deep down I knew it was a lie, but once Charlie came to know I had a boyfriend he became a bigger pain in the butt than he already was. That's when I started avoiding him, but now how was I going to avoided him living in the same house?

Hey humans
How was it.. ik I said updates twice a week but I felt like it today.😁
Until next time. Bye u💖

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