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Charlie's pov

Coming out for the shower, I stopped mid way to see, Brie fast asleep snuggling in one of my throw blankets. She hugged the pillow like a baby and slept peacefully. I could get used to this, seeing her everyday, being around her. But who was I kidding, nothing like that could ever happen. I just sigh and walk towards my bed. Changing the side I sleep on, so I could get a good view of Brie's sleeping form. I just watched her in silence, her red hair was up in a bun but it was already all over the place. Her lips were parted slightly, with small snors slept my love. Couple of minutes late I too fell into a deep slumber.

Sun light hit my face from my mustard curtains walking me up. Opening my eyes I looked up at my grey celling. Getting out of bed I saw that Brie was still sleeping. I decided to make coffee for the both of us after I brush. Standing in my bathroom I look at my self in the mirror. I decided to shave because I had a light stubble, did she like it? I thought to myself. Na, if I shave I will look like my old self so finally I decided to shave.

Getting out I walk to the kitchen, trying to make less noise since she was still fast asleep. After I was done I keep the mugs on the table before walking towards her. Gently I touch her shoulder "Brie, wake up babe." I just said that?! It felt good but I was relieved she didn't hear me. "Brie come on it's almost twelve." She began to move, opening her eyes. "Brie bug come on I make coffee." I say before I see a big smile in her face. "You haven't called me that in forever. I miss it." She said getting up. I just smile and nod.

She stands up and walked towards the bathroom, "You made coffee? I'll be out in five". I looked at her and was about to reply when I saw she wasn't wearing a bra and I could see her buds against the fabric. "Um Brie..." I said looking down to see her pink hearts bra near her pillow. She followed my gaze and "Ah bloody hell.."she muttered and quickly picked it up, marching towards the bathroom. I was stunned, just froze where I stood.. bloody hell she was hot. Shaking my head I move to the kitchen. I didn't want to make this a big deal and embarrass her. Should I pretend like it never happened? I guess that would be the easiest way to go.

She came our with her hair in a neat pony. She didn't look at me ever since she walked in. This was exactly what I didn't want. "Charlie um can we pretend that didn't happen please?" She asked. "Ya, it never did... coffee?" I asked with a gentle smile. She smiled back and took the mug.
After we were done the went to watch the mugs. "So Charlie what do you want to do today? Cuz tomorrow onwards I have my online classes". She asked. "Ya same here I have to work on my thesis tomorrow, so maybe we can go grocery shopping?"
"Ya that's perfect, let's makes some lunch first".

Brie's pov

"Ya that's perfect, let's make some lunch first." I say and go into the kitchen to see what to make. Looking behind I saw Charlie standing in the same place. "You don't have to keep standing there go shower if you want." I say removing a pan. "You always do the cooking let me today." He said walking towards me. I stopped him by putting a hand on his chest. He was surprised by the action but I didn't react. "You cook dinner okay, I got this". He just nodded and went for a shower. After what happened in the morning I was really embarrassed, but some part of me was glad that Charlie saw me and not someone else. I even noticed he had shaved, even though I like the stubble this look reminded me of old times back home.. which I totally loved. I ended up making some salad and a simple sandwiches.

After we ate I went and got ready to go shopping. I even made a list of things I needed like shampoo, tampons and some hair ties. It was really windy out so I wore some warm leggings, black chunky boots, and a white sweater with my purple rain jacket. My hair was up in a pony, looking at myself in the mirror in last time I was all set to go. Getting out of the bathroom I saw Charlie sitting on the couch waiting for me. "Ready?" He asked I nodded and walked towards the door. Wearing our masks and gloves we got in the car and were off to the grocery store.
All through the drive we listen to Cold Play and sang like there was no tomorrow. We were truly happy in that moment. It was a new favorite memory amoung the countless others I had with him. That's when it hit me like a truck...I could never really stop loving Charlie Wilson.

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