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Brie's pov

When we reached home Charlie quickly started making us some rice and veggies. I just sat on the bar stools watching him. Occasionally we would look at each other and have a grin on our faces because of our drive. It was crazy the way I started singing but I didn't care.

Today had been such a nice day, its really a blessing with everything going on because of the virus. I think this whole thing was mother nature's way of telling us to clam down and just enjoy one day at a time. "Brie come on foods ready" he said. I get up and get the plates ready. Sitting down he served the both of us, taking the first bit he was just waiting for my reaction. "It's good, chill out."I laugh and say. He smiles and started eating too.

"So how is your thesis work going?" I ask. "Good actually, a lot of research work but that's what happens when you decide to study chemistry. Thought I love it all. How is environmental science?"

"Same lots of stuff to learn and find out but my first year was mainly theory. Second year will be fun".

"What plans after college? Like most of it will be online now so it will be over before you know it".

"Honestly I don't know, but I really do want to work with some of the research groups or volunteer for an environment organization".

"That's nice, even I really don't know what's going to happen here because I'm used to work online mostly so nothing much has changed for me".

"Lucky you, so tomorrow I have my first class at ten so I can make us something before that".

"Brie you don't have to, its fine. I will be up before you to write some of my thesis then I have work".

"Okay cool but just wake me up if you want something".

"Like I said before you don't need to okay so chill out." He said irritated, I just sigh and get up to clean up. Just when I think things are getting better he becomes such a meanie. Why do I even try? Nothing will change and the best part is I don't even know what's his problem with me.

Putting my phone for charging I changed into PJs before get into my make shift bed.
Charlie was sitting on his bed reading something on his laptop. He had his reading glasses in which made him look so much hotter I wonder if I looked as good, in my glasses. I bet i look like a dummy but he looks perfe..god no stop. He is a pain in the butt with really bad mood swings. "Is something wrong?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I didn't realize I was staring at him, god I'm so dumb. "Um good night" I say and turn the other way. Such an embarrassment.

After some time I try to focus on sleeping while reminding myself to call my mom tomorrow before class. Until I was  falling into a deep slumber.

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