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Charlie's pov

Got me feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
Now I'm feeling drunk and high
So high, so high
Feeling drunk and high
Feeling drunk and high
So high!!

This was one of the best drives I ever had to the grocery store, Cold Play and music in general was something that always connected Brie and I. We went for our first concert together, along with her brother and best friend from high school. I still remembered how she sang all the songs out  loud that for a week she couldn't talk. We were truly happy that time but then we grew up and things were never the same.

Walking through the store we picked up stuff for the next two weeks, she even picked up stuff to bake cookies and muffins. Brie was always good in the kitchen, I spent half my childhood in her mother's kitchen eating some of the best food ever. "Pancake mix done, flavoured tea, done what else?" She asked looking down at the list we made. "Bread, cheese and fruits" I said pushing the cart. "Okay dokie let's go" she said with a grin. I just chuckled and followed her. "Oh my god..look at that." She pointed at a small cactus in the clearance section. I started laughing so hard "We have to get him.. please! Preety please!!". This girl is crazy. "Go get it". I said laughing. "I totally love this.. his name is now Yoda".
"Brie god you will never change, come on let's go". She walked ahead happily with her new cactus.

After finishing of with the food we moved on to the drinks. Milk, juice, soda we got everything. Nor did we hold back on the chips and candy. "All of this has fat and unhealthy written all over it."I said "Well then we will get fat and unhealthy together" she smiled. This girl didn't realize what I would do for her if she asked, getting fat is the smallest sacrifice I could ever make. Then we moved on to the the alcohol, "Do you still only  enjoy beer and wine?" I asked cuz I knew she hated other stuff. "Na I quite like gin now thanks to the pub in college. But I still prefer my wine, you?"
"Really I am fine with whatever but rum and beer is definitely a weaknesss."

"So let's get some rum as well.." I nodded and picked up my favorite one. After a few more things she picked up like her hair ties and shampoo we were done. "Charlie, um I need tampons too" she said looking away. "Brie look at me, you  don't ever have to feel embarrassed or weird about it.....come on". I took her and dragged her too her section. She didn't say anything after that, I didn't understand why she was so weird about it I had to beat up a guy in school because he laughed at a stain on her pant and her brother was at a match. God I loved every second of smashing his face, such a stupid kid. We  were going home in the school bus she was  in seventh grade. I even gave her my over sized hoodie that covered her after that, the worst part was that she cried after going home and I couldn't do anything about it. I always did hate it when she cried. "Charlie are you listening?" I snapped out of my thoughts "I called you three times, help we with the bags".

"Oh ya ya sorry, wait did you pay for this?" Shit why was I day dreaming?! "It's fine, it's the least I could do for giving me a place to stay."

"Oh shut up, you didn't have to do that bug". I say with a warm smile. Her eyes lit up when I used her oldest nickname.. "Come on let's get you home, I'm cooking dinner." I said taking the bags from her.

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