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Charlie's pov
{flash back}

She kissed me, she actually kissed me. Did this mean that she liked me too? Ah what am I doing, I should be kissing her back!
Mentally slapping myself, I pulled her closer and kissed her back. My hands slipped down to hold her waist tight like this was all a dream, l could taste her cherry lip balm mixed with the wine. She was exquisite

I held on to her thighs and wrapped her legs around me walking towards the bed. The moment her back hit the bed she grasped, that's when I slipped my tounge in. If I was ever stuck in a time loop, it would be this moment. Being careful not to put all my weight on to her. I was in between her legs, just when I thought it couldn't get better she started grinding her hips against mine.

Breaking the kiss I went onto her neck and collarbone, she mourned when I found her sweet spot. That drove me to the edge, I started grinding back with more pressure. "Charlie" she mourn "I want you". She said said biting her lip. "I want you too, it hurts how much but not now. We have to tell your brother first. After that I'm all yours okay?". She nodded while I kissed her forehead. "I get the tea ready go change love".

{End of flashback}

"Charlie!" I snapped out of my thoughts looking at Brie sitting on the table "I've been calling for the past two minutes, please get my glasses babe" she said looking back at her laptop. Another week had passed and she had an assignment due next week. The past seven days had been the best even. We were like a full on couple now cuddling, cooking food together and falling asleep in each other's arms. I couldn't be happier, the only thing I had to think about was how was I going to tell Brian.

The day got over quickly and both of us were sitting on the couch having some ramen. That's when Brie's phone began to ring. "Hey Mom" she said and sat on my bed. The conversation went on till Brie shouted "What! Tomorrow!?" I looked at her and saw she had a frown on her face.

"What happened?" I asked once she was done with the call. "The flights have opened, they booked one for tomorrow. It was suppose to be a surprising." She said looking away. "So your going?".
"How can I say no, they don't know about us. If you talk to Brian today maybe I can stay".

"I can't do that I'm not ready. I don't know what to tell him."

"Let me tell him then, how does it matter!"

"No I'll tell him not you, but I just need time Brie! It's not that easy."

"I really don't understand this, you want me to stay but won't tell my brother we are together now!"

"Brie look I'll tell him when I'm ready. If you want to go I'll drop you at the airport tomorrow morning". He said and walked out of the apartment, probably going to the roof.

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