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Brie's pov

I could hear the birds chirping, and see a little sun light coming through the window. Slowly I got up, it seemed early. I was surprised I was up on a Saturday morning. Looking across I saw Charlie making his bed. He was always an early riser, unlike me. "Rise and shine sleepy head". He said with a warm smile. "Good morning" I say putting my hair into a bun. "Your up early.. how come?" He asked. "I really don't know.." I chuckled and said.

After I was done with my morning business I walk to the kitchen. "Tea?" I ask him. "Yep thanks bug". I turn and start making it with a blush on my face. After I was done I handed him the cup. "Wear you jacket I want to show you something". He said. "What is?." I ask.
"It's a surprise Brie, come on."I sigh and put on my jacket before following him.

We were climbing up the stairs and reached a door. Once he opened it I walked in first, and grasped. We were on the top floor, it was like a big balcony with chairs and a table in the corner. The view was amazing, we could see the whole city. "This is beautiful wow." I say look back at him, while he was taking a sip of his tea.

Charlie's pov

I was surprised she was up early, she was never an early riser. Taking my tea from her I told her to wear her jacket and follow me. I was taking her to the top of the apartment building, not many people knew about this place. After I let her through, I stop behind  just to see the  reaction she gave.. there was bright smile on her face, while she looked around.

Even small things made this girl happy, it was something I admired. "No one comes up here, I had planned to clean up the place a bit and have a small garden." I say walking up to her. She looked at me and said "So what are you waiting for? We have all the time in the world for that. We can do it on the weekends after movie night." She said with a smile. "I think that's a great idea, we don't need to get anything I already have the stuff at home." I say after finishing tea.
"Great let's get to work then!"

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