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Charlie's POV

It was a Saturday morning and I had already turned off my alarm three times. I was about to snooze one more time when my phone started ringing. Brian's name flashed on the screen. Getting up from my comfy bed I answer the call. "Hey mate what's up".

"Hey Charles I need a favor man".

"Name it anything".

"Um Brie is stuck at the airport and the flights have stopped, she needs a place to stay for a couple days so...could you go get her?"

She was here..god what should I say? Um..

"You there bro?".

"Um ya ya, I'll leave now tell her to wait for me".

"Thanks man I owe you one".

"No problem".

I cut the call and quickly went and change, brushed my teeth, picked up my car keys and head out the door. Brie.. the girl I had been in love with ever since I could remember, she was now going to live with me. I was always a little rude to her because I didn't know how else to react, also I didn't want other to think I cared about her. Things were always like that. Brian never really said anything about dating his sister but I knew he would have a problem that's why I never did anything. After getting my degree I moved for a job and she went to college. I tried really hard to move on, to get over her every girl I dated in college, every hook up, one night stand. It never worked, no one compared to her. Now she was going to live with me in my house how was I going to handle it?

I pulled up at the airport, moments later I saw her. Standing in the rain with her dark pink hoodie trying her best to save her bags from the rain. Her red hair was damp, sticking to her face. Soft pink lips glowing with the rain drops and  big hazel eyes probably looking around for me. Stunning was the only word I could think of. "Brie" I said with a blank face, but really I was just glad she was here. "Charlie" my name rolled of her tounge like silk. God she was killing me. After insisting on taking her bags I got in the car and drove straight home.

Looking at her I saw that she was looking out the window, she had changed over the two years. She looked grown up now, like a woman. Simply beautiful. "How have you been Brie?" I asked looking back at the road. "I'm fine Charlie, really happy with college and I have an amazing roommate Rose you'll love her!" Her eyes lit up talking about her friend. "Where is she from?"

"Ireland, she was so drunk at fresher's that I had to carry her ass back to our dorm." She giggled. God I missed her giggles "Fun times really.. what about you?".

"Same stuff really nothing much. You taking care of yourself while drinking right?" I asked getting a little protective. "Yep totally, Brian would never let me go other wise". She said with a grin. After that we just drove home in silence.

Once we reached home she removed her shoes outside. "Um Brie what are you doing?".
"Taking precaution, the virus you know safety for both of us..".

"Oh okay, ya" after that she sanitized her hands again and threw her mask and gloves in the trash bin before coming in. This girl is something else I thought and chuckled. "You have a studio apartment..." She said zoning out. "Is that a problem?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "Oh no no, its nothing, I'm going for a shower, is that ok?" She asked talking off her drenched hoodie trying to change the topic. "You don't have to ask me Brie just go, I will get the tea ready" she just smiled and nodded.I said before walking into the kitchen to heat the water.

While putting the cups on the coffee table, I was hit with a sweet cherry smell mixed with my shampoo, it was her body wash. She came out wearing pink fluffy pajamas and a white full sleeve top while towel drying her red hair. I just looked at her, watching her every move. She looked at me "What, what's wrong.." I shook my head and gave her the tea cup. "Um I used your shampoo cuz I didn't have mine".
"Brie does it look I really care about you using my shampoo?" I asked, she glared at me say no.

Brie's pov

There he goes again being mean. What is his problem?!  All through the drive we spoke well and now we are back to normal. I don't even know why he was just starting at me once I came out, it was totally random..was there something on my face?. God Charlie and his moods.

Anyway here I was sipping on some tea looking around his apartment. It was clean, unlike my brothers place. Charlie was always a neat person, something I always admired. His apartment was minimal. White walls, and a simple kitchen. He had pops of yellow all about the apartment, I knew it was his favorite color. His bedroom and living room had a small book case dividing it. Although really it was just one big room. A small flat screen on the wall and high bar stools near the kitchen platform to eat. Cosy and nice.

It was already dark outside and I started to feel hungry again. I turned around so see him sitting on a bar stool texting someone. I felt a hint jealousy. Did he have a girlfriend?
I sigh and get up to wash the cups. "I just texted you brother saying we reached home, you mother said to call her before you sleep". He said looking at me. " Okay thanks, what are  we have dinner?".

"I can cook up something, you must be tired go chill".

"Oh no I slept plenty, let me cook. I can make the chicken soup you like with garlic bread if you have the ingredients". His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Yes, god I love you mom's recipe!".

I just laughed and went to cook up the food. After I was done we ate in silence, Charlie's face was priceless when he had the soup. I just laughed and enjoy my food. After we did the dishes and cleaned up I sat on my laptop to see my schedule for my online classes while Charlie went for a shower. I even called mom saying I had reached and all settled.
Turning off my phone I get up to pull open the couch putting a pillow, and snuggled into the spare blanket Charlie gave me. I smiled when it smelt like his cologne with a hint of mint. Soon I was fast asleep.


Hi humans..new chapter how did you like Charlie?😁 Next update on Friday.
Bye u💖💖

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