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Brie's pov

Monday mornings are always the worst. I could hear my alarm going off but like always I wanted to sleep a  little more. Turning to the other side I reach for my phone which was on the floor. "Uggh turn it off!" I say half in my sleep. But it kept going off, just great. One last time I reach for it. Just when I was about to touch it when I felt the cold floor on my right cheek. "Uggh, bloody hell!" I had successful turned off my alarm but fell off the bed in the process.

Then suddenly I was being lifted of the floor like I was as light as a feather. "Brie are you okay?" Ah his morning voice, never gets old. "Hm" then I felt his warm hand on my cold cheek. "Brie, are you hurt?". That's when I finally got up. "What no" I say looking at him. It was like he was looking into my soul, his face showed worry. "I'm fine Charlie, god I have Mondays". He just chuckled and moved away. "You have class in ten minutes, I'll get the tea ready."

Ten minutes?! Why does this happen to me! I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. Brushed and freshened up, putting my hair up in a bun I walk out to see a cup of hot tea waiting for me. "Thanks Charlie" I say with a warm smile and get my laptop and journal out. Setting up my stuff on the table I wait for that class to start.

Charlie's pov

There she was sitting in a messy bun with those big ugly reading glasses. But she even made them look beautiful. Her red hair was falling on her face and her eyes were on the screen concentrating, while trying hard not to fall asleep. Yet again she was wearing really funky bring green PJs with little star troopers on them. It was like.. even her funky clothes could make me smile, everything about her made me smile. I just chuckled and continued to read the book in hand.

We had no plans today, just to get some work done and have a nice lunch. Her cactus was on my window adding a personal touch to the place. It had just been two days and this girl had already made my heart beat faster every time she smiled. My only fear was that when she leaves everything will be back to normal and I wouldn't know what to do without her.

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