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Brie's pov

The week went by faster than I first thought. Both of us were busy with out own things, but we always had out meals together. Today was a Friday, I was happy the weekend was coming up. I could sleep in and not worry about classes of assignments.

"Hey Charlie" I say shutting down my laptop. "Yep, he says handing me a bowl of Ramen. "Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure what do you have in mind?".

"Something interesting.."

"Ok I'll l turn on Netflix and make some popcorn. Eat your noodles." he said and waked into the kitchen.

Ten minutes later we were sitting on the couch with popcorn in hand watching 'Passengers'. Stuffing my face with popcorn I waited for it to start. It was a really good movie, something different. During all the touchy parts I avoided Charlies face at all cost. To say I was embarrassed was an understatement.
Towards the end I even cried, they were meant to be. I wondered if Charlie and I could ever work. I was a dream for another life time, but did he feel the same way? Who was I kidding he was stunning and I was sure he could get the perfect girl if he really looked. She would have beautiful hair, pretty eyes and and amazing figure and a cool personality . He deserved the best, nothing less.

Charlie's pov

I was surprised when she asked to watch a movie, but I was happy. Maybe we could make this a thing for friday nights. All through I secretly looked at her. Her expressions were priceless. Some parts of the movie made her really embarrassed and flushed , it was the cutest thing I ever saw. Like every other love story they did end up together, they fell in love. Could I ever find that and end like that with the girl sitting next to me. I was in love with her, no doubt. But was it enough. Could she ever be the one for me? If not how was I going to move on...how was I going to forget her? The thought its self made me cringe. Even if she lived somewhere else, even if I haven't met her in two years I knew she was always there. She would always come back home. That's something I held on to these two years. I wondered if I ever had the courage to tell her that she made my heart skip a beat every time she smiled. That she was the one for me.

"So.. how did you like it?" I asked.

"It was beautiful.. something different but nice. You?"

"Yep good movie, plus she was hot so..it was a good bonus" I chuckle and say.

"That's true, he's not bad either. Maybe we could have movie night every friday?"

"You read my mind..I would love that. Now how about some more popcorn and ice cream?"

"Yessss ice cream!" I chuckle follower her into the kitchen.

hey humans
how are you liking the book so far? also the movie is really nice..
until next time🥱🥱
bye you!

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