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Charlie's pov

"Oh my God you remember Brian's face when he went to ask Mia for prom. I couldn't stop laughing." She said finishing of the wine in her glass. "I remember, I also remember how he had cut his lip in the pool trying to act all cool in front of her." I said laughing hard at the memory.

Both of us had finished our food long back, but were just sitting sipping on the wine. I'm pretty sure the bottle will be over by the end of it. "I was asked by a senior for your prom too but said no. I think it was Jacob Matthew." That reminded me I was going to ask you first. "You were?" Shit I said it out loud. Bloody hell the alcohol started to kick in. Just as I was about to answer, there was a loud thunder and it started pouring. "Pick up the stuff let's go!" She said grabbing the plates. I follow and ran down towards our- my apartment.

Brie's pov

By the time we reached the apartment, both of our clothes were a little damp. I really thought we would never make it to the apartment with the way we were climbing down the stairs. Tipsy was an understatement right now. Removing out wet shoes out, we walked towards the kitchen with the plates and glasses in hand.

Then I remembered what we were talking about, he was going to ask me for prom. "Why didn't you?." I asked standing against the kitchen counter. "Why didn't I what?".

"Ask me to prom?"

"I just didn't think Brian would be happy with it, but now looking back I should have asked you.. Natalie Smith wasn't the best date." He chuckled. "Well you should have, I would have been the best date." I said when a pout, this was definitely the alcohol talking. "Ah don't pout bug. Like I said if I had the courage I would have, but like always I never really do. Even now." He said walking towards me.

"What does that mean?" He came close and cupped my face in his hand. "I've been in love with you since fifth grade Brie. I know it's stupid, but it's true. Now I've just ruined our friendship and tomorrow I'll just blame it on the alcohol. I'm just rude to you because I don't know how else to react... I sor- ".

I cut him off with my lips on his, he was in love with me. It was real I could see it in his eyes. At first he didn't kiss me back, but slowly move his lips with mine. It was the best kiss I had ever had. So much love and passion in this one action, I was mind blown.
And the best part was I won't regret any of it tomorrow. I had wanted this for years, I wanted us to work, as much as he did if not more. It was finally happening now.

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