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Charlie's pov

If shit was an emotion, that what I was feeling like. Complete shit. I couldn't believe that I was letting her slip right through my fingers. The girl who I had wanted and loved for so long.

All through the drive back I thought about it, how stupid I was being but I just couldn't turn back and run for her. I didn't have the courage. Why wouldn't I just be honest with my best friend about his sister and I. A person who I called my brother for my full life, I couldn't tell him about the girl I was in love with. It was messed up.

Getting into my apartment I walked towards the liquor shelf to pour myself a large. Just as I was about to take a ship my eyes fell on Yoda her cactus, I couldn't just let her go! This was the kind of love you see in the movies, once in a lifetime. If I didn't do something I was gonna to regret this for the rest of my life. Putting the glass down I grab my passport and essentially before walking out the door.

The two hour flight felt like two years, but I was ready, ready to tell Brian the truth. What's the worst that could happen? He won't be happy with it. But if I didn't tell him I would never know, it's definitely worth the shot.
A little disappointed with myself that I didn't realize it sooner. But it was better now than never. Saving myself from the heavy rain I get into a cab I drove towards the street I once grew up on. Where the three of us spent our summers playing outside. After waiting anxiously, two familiar houses came into view. Mine and theirs across.

I decided that I'll just go straight to her place. Knocking the door I waited for someone to open up. Brian was then standing in front of me. "I need to tell you something, but you have to have an open mind mate. You can't possibly understand how hard this is. But if I don't do this now, I may regret it for the rest of my life" .
"Hello to you too Charles, slow down buddy get in it's poring." He said with his signature warm smile. Taking off my mask and gloves I get in and sit on the table. "I just made tea, take the cup in front of you." He said.

"Okay so what is this thing you had to talk about, you scared me bloody hell."

Taking a deep breath I finally begin "I love Brie, always have always will. We are together, I mean I really don't know now but she wanted to tell you. I was just scared to see your reaction when I tell you the truth. But I may loose the girl I love so here I am."

His face was blank. He just looked into my eyes, looking at into my soul. "Wow I thought you both hated each other." Was the first thing he said after a couple of minutes. "Well, that was just a show" I say with a grin. "You really do love her don't you?" I nod looking right into his eyes. "She loves you too?"
"I think so".

"Mia did always tell me you guys used to look at each other a lot". He said thinking about his ex. "She was definitely right about that. But really your okay with this?" I asked getting nervous.

"She makes you happy?"

"More than anything".

"And you definitely make her happy, I don't see a problem. But if you ever hurt her, your face won't be so pretty after mate". He said with a grin. "Thank you, you don't know how much this means to me". I say standing up and hugging him. "She's in her room all grumpy, go get her" he said.

I walk up the stairs and knock her door. "For the last time Brian I'm fine can you just leave me alone!" She shouted. I walked in and she was had her face in her pink fluffy pillow. "Uggh go away, bloody hell!"

"Bug I'm not going anywhere" I say standing near her bed. She got up, and jumped right into my arms wrapping her legs around me. "You came, you really did!".

"I was a fool to ever let you go, but now your stuck with me. I promise" I say with a smile.

"Brian?" She asked bitting her lip "He know, but if I hurt you he'll break my face" both of us chuckle.

"Your my person Charlie Wilson" she said looking into my eyes. "And your mine, Brie Owens" and smashed my lips onto hers.

"Not in this house kids. Mom it's time to plan a wedding soon!" Brian shouted from down stairs. He'll never stop teasing us now. Great.

The end.

Hi humans
And its a wrap! This is a short story so it's ends here. New book coming out next month. Thank you for reading my work, most of y'all are ghost readers but I still love you. 💕
My aim with this book was to make something positive out of the situation everyone is facing. We are in this together, tough times don't last but tough people do😊. Reach out if you need help in any way. You are not alone, my message box is waiting for ur text.
Until next time
Bye you🥺

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