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Brie's pov

I kept running forward, laughing like a crazy women. When I put mud on him, his face was priceless. Haha it was worth it. Suddenly I felt strong arms hold on to my waist from behind. "No! Put me down Charlie!".
"Should have thought about it before you messed up my face bug!" He said tickling me. God he knew I hated this. "I can't breathe! Charlie's please oh my god!. "

By the end of it we both were on the floor laughing our lungs out. He turned and faced me before touching my cheek putting mud on it. I just smiled and looked at his face. He had cupped my face in his hands looking into my hazel eyes. "Your so beautiful Brie" he said with a look in his eyes I didn't understand. Love? I really don't know. "Well you beautifuller" I blushed and said. "No I mean your more beautiful. Not fuller" he just laughed at and continued looking at me.

Reaching out for his blonde hair I ran my fingers through it. "Your eyes are dreamy too". I said lost in my own dream land. Moments later I realized what I said. "Oh bloody hell, I didn't meant it like that I just ..."
He cut me off "So your saying my eyes are not dreamy?" With an eyebrow raised. "No no that not what I says I just didn't meant it like that". I said looking away. He was still laughing.

Getting up he offered his hand to help me up. "Let's get cleaned, we'll come back tomorrow." I nodded and followed him back to the apartment.

Charlie's pov

Standing in the shower I mentally slapped myself. How could I say something like that our of no where. Ahhg! What was I thinking?! Thought did she really think I had dreamy eyes? And when she ran her fingers through my hair, I could stay there forever. It took all my self control to not kiss those soft lips of her. I sigh and step out of the shower.

When I got out Brie was making us tea with her wet hair let down. Today she was were blue boy shorts and her college hoodie. Taking my cup I thanked her and sat in front of her. She just looked at me and blushed. Through out the day we both keep looking at each other and smiled. Something had changed between us. The whole vibe had some how shifted. But I didn't want to get my hopes up. Again I looked at her, she had her galsses on on reading an article on her laptop. One thing I knew for sure, things would never be the same after today.

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