chapter twelve

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She said she would let go, she really promised that she was going to but she didn't do as she said. She was laying next to her, no shame that she had her friend thinking that she was working while she was over at Jennie's place as she peacefully slept. Was it still wrong? Hell yeah, it even worse now that she had been caught and got back to it only lasting a week without responding to calls and texts that eventually stopped coming. "Jennie?" Lisa spoke up, calling the girl with her first name, seeing her immediately respond her eyes blinking a few times before they opened all the way, Jennie looking back at her while a smile formed on her lips. Scooting closer to her she buried her body against Lisa's, resting her face in the crook of the woman's neck and staying there slowly coming out of her sleep state as the minutes passed. 

"Do you have to go?" Jennie mumbled against Lisa's neck, kissing it lightly and way different than she did before.   "Do you want me to?" Lisa asked and her arm wrapped around the woman's naked back, drawing small circles all over it as Jennie stayed still so she wouldn't ruin it. "No," Jennie sighed, truthfully speaking now waking up completely to find herself cuddling Lisa. This was not who she usually was, she knew that and that what she fought to change, she just couldn't say no when she felt that urge to be close to Lisa. "Aren't you sick anymore?" Lisa joked, feeling Jennie pull back to look at her with the most annoyed look on her face that caused her to burst into laughter. "You're so annoying" Jennie shook her head and went back to the spot she has claimed as her own, her actions going completely against what she was saying.

"I should go then," Lisa joked and made a move to get up when she felt Jennie's arms wrap around her waist, keeping her close to her. "No, you're staying here" Jennie mumbled and held her as tight as she possibly could Lisa laughing and sitting back down with Jennie glued on her tall body. She liked the fact that this was really feeling like a whole different reality, a whole different lifetime where she got to spend it with someone else even though it was the same old world she had been living in for the past 28 years. Jennie didn't have to be something that she used though, she was a human and she understood when she had to be something other than a sex driven person. She could be her friend, her "friend" that she could go out and shop with, see a movie... Right? "I was wondering," Lisa spoke up and felt Jennie look at her again, her eyes looking so innocent after everything that she did moments before.

"I got some tickets for this play," Lisa said and Jennie looked at her confused, changing the way she was laying down, pushing her body so she would be sitting. "Would you like to come with me?" Lisa suggested, keeping in the back of her head that this was nothing like she had ever done before. She didn't want to be disappointed if Jennie rejected her offer, she had made herself clear since day one so she wouldn't have to explain anything further. Swallowing hard she could see the way that the woman in front of her was looking at her, probably contemplating whether she should accept or deny. "I get bored of them," Jennie finally said and got up, walking to her closet and opening it up looking for a new outfit to wear. "But you can take your wife," Jennie calmly said, the words that left her mouth hurtful for some reason. "She sounds boring anyway," Jennie laughed and grabbed her boyfriend jeans and a new hoodie before looking at Lisa.

"Perfect match," She winked referring to what she previously said about Evelyn, Lisa looking at with an empty stare since she couldn't find something appropriate to say. "She's not boring," The woman didn't hold back all the way, Jennie pausing and looking up to let her eyes meet Lisa's once again, the woman laughing in response. "And what are you doing here then? Shouldn't you be with your entertaining wife?" Jennie pointed out and waited for the answer that she knew wasn't going to take, disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. Shaking her head, Lisa looked over to the bedside table where her phone was resting, picking it up and noticing the amount of missed calls she had from both Jisoo and Chaeyoung. "Shit," Lisa cussed and called Jisoo back, letting it ring before she heard her voice come from the other side.

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