chapter twenty five

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"Breathe, we're not going to die," Lisa turned her head to the left side, her eyes falling on Jennie's figure, the woman's attention on finding her wallet that she had thrown in her purse just a few minutes ago. Jennie wouldn't die because she didn't care that much but in Lisa's head things were totally different. Although Jennie's existence next to her was kind of comforting in a way on the other side the idea alone of being just a few minutes away from seeing all of them waiting for both of Lisa and Jennie was enough to make her knees weak. "Seriously, Lisa, look at me" Jennie spoke up again after she didn't get a response from Lisa and felt that the tension was still through the roof. "I told you, I won't bother you or cause you problems" Jennie smiled and let her hand land on top of Lisa's hand.

"You're Jennie, you always cause trouble" Lisa sighed and looked down at their hands, their fingers slowly intertwining with each other. It was true though, from the moment that Lisa met that woman she constantly caused trouble and made a mess just so she could eventually get what she wanted. Jennie accepted the statement as being true as well, once again, she knew herself better than anyone else ever got to know her and she couldn't dare to say that what Lisa claimed was false. "I can make exceptions sometimes. Even I, the rudest bitch alive, can back down when it's needed." Jennie laughed and she was ready to go back into looking for her wallet when she felt Lisa's hand touch her chin to turn her head back at her direction. "What-" Jennie was instantly cut off by a pair of lips locking momentarily with hers, Lisa pulling back after a second or two.

"Moral support?" Jennie smiled and she swore she could make out a slight blushing on Lisa's cheeks, the older woman looking away and out of the window so she wouldn't allow Jennie to see her in that state. At least not now. They were in a taxi, the man in the front seat was driving them downtown and he for sure knew what was going on and he surely saw the kiss that went down, you could tell by the way he smiled at the two of them even though neither of them really noticed. "Babe did you get my wallet maybe?" Jennie spoke up again, her voice even louder than before, so loud that Lisa would be surprised if all the other cars driving past them had heard her. "Oh no, false alarm, it's here" The woman laughed and finally pulled it out, earning a judgemental look from Lisa's side that was enough to make her burst into laughter again.

"There you go Mister," Jennie smiled politely and handed the money to the driver, Lisa being the first one to step out of the taxi needing to get some fresh air. "Thank you for the ride" Jennie said before stepping out as well, her eyes glued on Lisa's figure from the moment she step foot on the ground. "See? I'm polite, I'm a bitch with manners aren't I?" Jennie laughed and made her way next to Lisa, her eyes never leaving the woman's that still glowed, whether or not that was from worrying too much Jennie couldn't tell. "At least talk to me before we get there," Jennie whined and poked Lisa's sides again and again causing her to look down at the annoyed face that Jennie had put on. "What has gotten into you?" Lisa suddenly snapped at her reassuring Jennie that Lisa was way too worried and stressed of what was going to actually happen. "If you're going to be so nervous why take me with you then?" Jennie snapped back at her as they crossed the street, the GPS in Lisa's phone signalling that they were getting closer and closer.

"Because I, I don't know" Lisa gave up and started paying attention to her phone ignoring Jennie's presence completely now. "You don't know? Are you sure about that?" Jennie asked one last thing, her eyes making direct eye contact with Jisoo's from across the street. The woman who was smoking outside had probably found it as an excuse to walk out of the restaurant just so she could be the first one to greet them. "Lisa?" Jennie's voice was heard one more time, way more desperate than she intended it to, her need to get an answer killing her on the inside. The older woman simply looked at her and let out a sigh before she looked up to meet Jisoo's eyes as well. The woman felt her heart shuttering immediately when Jennie was the one to walk away first, passing by Jisoo and walking in the restaurant.

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