chapter sixty seven

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"Babe? Are you sure this is the right way?" Jennie asked worried and looked around, the shades on her eyes allowing her to take a better look at her surroundings that seemed all too familiar by now. Lisa looked up from the paper map she was holding, her sunglasses resting on the bridge of her nose as well as she checked to see where they were once again. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure Jen, stop stressing me" Lisa sighed and made sure to look at the map again, soon feeling Jennie tug on her sleeve to catch her attention one more time. "Babe," Jennie said and tugged a bit more, sighing again and again when Lisa wouldn't look up to meet her eyes buy instead kept trying to figure out where the hell they had been walking from and to the whole time they had been wandering around.

"Jen, give me a damn moment, this is not easy" Lisa pulled her arm, or at least attempted to pull her arm out of Jennie's reach but ended up just pissing both of them off more since they had been walking for what felt an eternity. "Lils, we've been walking down this street for twenty minutes on the clock," Jennie pointed out almost immediately, snatching away the map from her wife's hands and instead showing her the street they were at, Lisa groaning out in frustration. "Oh my God," Jennie gasped and folded the map she was holding, hitting Lisa a little with it causing the woman to turn around and face her instantly. "What what? Did you find it?" Lisa asked and started looking around once more, Jennie hitting her again with the folded paper. "No, and neither would you since you've been holding the damn map upside down this whole time. I mean, seriously?!" Jennie broke the news to Lisa who felt her chest explode into a huge laughter.

"Don't laugh, this is serious babe," Jennie said and raised her voice a little bit to sound as serious as she could when in reality she was dying to laugh out loud as well. "Okay okay, I'm sorry," Lisa said while laughing still, pulling Jennie into her arms and holding her a little while she kept looking around to spot the restaurant that they had been dying to visit from the moment they landed in Florence. "Oh shit, I found it," Lisa gasped, a huge grin appearing on her face as her laughter eventually died down. What if it took them a long ass time to find it? What if they kept making circles around the same old town center. "Tell me you're kidding Lisa, tell me this is a sick joke and we did not just wander around under the hot ass sun for so long just so you can spot it immediately" Jennie said behind her teeth, her body suddenly being turned around so she could face the so desired restaurant.

"I'm getting everything, that's it. I'll buy everything on the menu. " Jennie said and pulled herself away from Lisa's embrace that was only making her feel hotter minute by minute. "I never doubted about that babe, not even a minute" Lisa laughed as she walked to catch up to her wife who was heading to the restaurant faster than light travels around. "Yeah laugh but guess who is paying" Jennie commented before walking in the small and narrow door, her laughter now sounding louder than Lisa's previous one. To be completely honest Lisa never really expected to be having so much fun in Italy. It's not that she didn't want to be there or that she was bored, it's the whole cancer thing that seemed to be holding her back which hadn't been the biggest problem lately. She had kind of forgotten than only a week or two ago she was crying on her kitchen floor after not being able to open a water bottle. Being away from everything and only having Jennie to hold onto felt like she had escaped from everything that made her the Lisa of the last year, one that she quickly learnt to despise for being so weak at times and love when she was being the strongest person she ever met in her life. 

Lisa felt a smile appearing on her lips when she caught a glimpse of Jennie smiling while taking a seat in one of the booths that looked so adorable and exactly like the pictures online. "I didn't expect it to be as precise as it is, I mean look at this freaking place" Jennie said and looked around but shortly noticed that Lisa's eyes remained glued on her. "You didn't even hear me did you?" Jennie asked with the most serious look that she could pull off at the moment, Lisa's lips carving up into a smile as she shook her head left to right. Jennie failed to get mad at her, she had not seen Lisa so smiley and actually excited about life itself for the longest time and she secretly enjoyed how alive and loud Lisa was being. "Why are you looking at me like an idiot in love?" Jennie pointed out with her finger, Lisa's smile now turning into a full ass grin as soon as she heard the words "idiot in love" as her wife called it. "Because I am that idiot in love and I'm married to you, you'd think that classic old Lisa would already have cold feet but nope. I'm still as much in love as I was before marrying you" Lisa said in one breath, Jennie's eyebrows raising in suspicion at first before her hand reached out to take Lisa's. 

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