New addition

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Troye's POV :)

Six months had flown by. August had been dating Sam, six months today. Today was also the day we were supposed to go to adopt our fifth child.

We are unable to have children, but want as many as we can get. Our baby is a girl, and she is 5. She has mental-retardation, but she's the cutest girl in the world. We decided to name her MacKenzie Sierra-Ann. She had beautiful beautiful brown hair,and gorgeous blue eyes.

MacKenzie required constant attention, and she was always at the doctors. When I was taking care of Mac, Tyler watched over the twins.

I did have a doctor appointment for myself, but I lied and told Tyler it was for Mac. The doctor had seen something abnormal, and had tested me. Today, I found out the news.

"Mr. Sivan. I do want you to know while it's not critical, stage 1 is still cancer. You need to take it easy and not over look your brain cancer, Don't hide it."

How could I tell Tyler? What about my kids? Brayson? August? Addalen? Paxton? Mackenzie? I couldn't let Tyler raise them on his own. .

On the way home, I felt my tears shake my body. Each like a tidal wave. I needed to live for my family. Yes, it was only stage one. Stage One. That is still cancer. What am I going to do when it's stage five and they're pulling the plug? Questions engulf me and my thoughts. The last thing I remember is pulling into the driveway, and then my head felt heavy, and my eyelids felt like bricks. I felt my world go dark, and then it all went black.

I was awoken by Tyler pounding on the glass. He had MacKenzie on his hip. Shit, how could I have been at an appt for Kenzie., if Kenzie wasn't with me? I sigh. "Where were you, Troye?" Tyler's eyes wide and concerned. "I was um.. At the doctor, listen.. I want to tell you. All of you." His face shows his worriedness. He rushes inside to get the kids ready. I struggle through the door. Tyler has the twins in the play pen, Mac is asleep on the floor, and Brayson and August were on their phones on the floor. I sit on the couch and sigh. Tyler grabs my hand, and I begin my story.

"Last week,I got this blinding headache. I went to the doctor right away. He mentioned the chance of a diesease\ a cancerous tumor. Today, he called me and asked me to come in right away. I was terrified. I went in, and he confirmed my worst fear.He diagnosed me with stage one brain cancer. He didn't say I was going to die, but he didn't say I was going to live."

By the end, I'm crying. My kids cry with me. tyler is silent.

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