Goodbye Daddy

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I saw this picture on Tumblr and honestly it just fits. Sorry if it offends you.
Anyway, thanks for reading..
and if it sucks im sorry this is really the first fanfiction I've went through with publishing
I want to write a Connor fanfic, but I don't know much about him..
Leave your questions, tips, links to your fanfictions in the comments
My daddy died in his sleep two months later, when his brain cancer killed him. Tyler had us all say goodbye that night, and we were prepared for it.
I told Troye that I'd make sure we were taken care of. Tyler told me he planned to quit YouTube and move us back to Michigan so he could be with his mom.
This meant I would have to leave Sam, and the life that I had. I hadn't made a YouTube video in months, just from depression.
"Hi.. uh it's me, August. So.. you guys probably know about my dad, Troye. If you don't know, I'm going to tell you his story right now.
My dad was always a fighter. He left his family, and came to live here in Cali with the love of his life, my dad Tyler.
Troye was a fighter. When he was bullied for being gay, he didn't give up. When the doctor misdiagnosed him with Stage One brain cancer, he didn't give up.
He lost his fight to Stage Four brain cancer just last week, and I know he fought the whole time. His cancer took his eyesight, and his walking ability.
My dad my hero. He was only 30, and he didn't deserve to go as early as he did. He will forever be remembered.
Daddy, if you're listening to me.. I'm sorry for everything. I never meant to hurt you. I will never forget you, or anything you did for me. I promise not to let anything happen to our family.
I love you, Daddy. Rest in peace."
Sam helps me edit the video, because all I can do is cry. We're leaving in a week. I can't leave Sam. I don't want our relationship to end because i'm moving thousands of miles away.
"Sam..what's gonna happen to us?" "August..I honestly don't know. I'm not going to give up. You're the love of my life, and I love you more than anyone, or anything. I want to be with you forever. Don't let our distance break us." I kiss him, and my phone vibrates.
I have a text from Tyler.
F:Daddy Ty 💖
Just saw your video, babe. Troye would have been proud. Love you xx
T:Daddy Ty 💖
Thank you, dad. Love you too xx
I begin to pack, and Sam helps me. I put all of my pictures in one box, and cover them so I know they aren't broken.
I carefully put all of my childhood memories into boxes, and write on them.
Tyler lets Sam stay over our last days in L.A. I have stopped going to school, and already have transferred to the high school in the town I will be moving too.
Tyler spends his time in his room. He packs Troye's things into boxes that say "Don't Touch, too many memories."
-Funearl Day-
"Troye..he was a happy person. He loved his family. He loved all five of his kids, each the same. He wanted the best for everyone, and he hoped that one day he would be known.
His YouTube career took off, a million subscribers just like that.
He married Tyler Oakley when he was 23, and they adopted their first child, Braydon, six months later. Their second child, August, came from a broken home, they gave her a second chance. Then there was the twins, Addalen and Paxton. They were from a teenage mother, whom they knew personally, and she couldn't raise them properly. Their fifth child McKenzie, just adopted a few short months ago. She was left to die in a garbage can. They placed her in the care of the Oakley's, and she couldn't be happier.
Troye will never be forgotten. We love you, Troye. Rest in Peace, Daddy."
They had asked me to give a eulogy. I had never seen one in real life. It was the hardest thing I had ever done.
**moving day***
I wake up, and groan. Sam puts his hand in mine, and kisses me. "Today's the beginning of forever." I get dressed, wearing black shorts, a purple sparkly tank top that says "Live Free", black Vans, and Sam's O2L hoodie. He gave me a long hug, and kiss before we went downstairs.
"Come with me." Sam pulls me out into the backyard, and i see a picnic being set up.
"That picnic could be for you unless this goes terribly wrong. -intense pause- You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I know you are the one for me. I love you with all of my heart August Grace Oakley, And I want to ask you something."
He got down on one knee and pulled out a box.
"This is a promise ring. I want a promise that we will we be together forever. Through any fight, or any distance. I can't let you go and I don't want too. Will you please promise me forever with you?"
I feel myself cry. "Yes. I promise." He puts the ring on my finger, and kisses me.
Tyler whistles, and I notice he was recording. "Hurry up love bugs! We're leaving in two hours."
Our picnic consisted of blt sandwiches, deviled eggs, and chocolate covered strawberries. To drink we had strawberry-banana smoothies.
I pulled out my phone, and we took a ton of pictures, each with a different face. I wanted to remember this day forever.

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