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Hannah pov
I woke up the next day in someone else's bed. Then I remembered that I had gone home with Matt. He seemed really nice. I felt bad for using him. I will just keep him on the line for a little longer. I rub my eyes and get up out of bed. Matt is still passes out. I go and make breakfast. I was making eggs when I felt to arms snake around my waist. "Good morning!" I say to Matt. "Good morning beautiful." Matt says still half asleep. "I made eggs." I say as I hand him a plate with eggs on it. Shortly after we ate I Ubered home. I was still very tired so I crashed on the couch. I woke up to my phone ringing. It was the a local bar calling about the job I interviewed for. "Hello!" She says trying to sound like I wasn't just asleep. "Hello! Is the Ms.Gold?" The person on the line asked. "Yes it is." "We have an opening for you to sing at eleven tonight." I was so happy this was my dream cone true.

An: sorry it's so sort. This so just a filler chapter! I love all of ya! Stay safe! ☺️❤️

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