Bye Faith...again

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An: I'm this chapter there is a little bit more on Hannah's past. If you would like to know more about Hannah's past I have a few ideas.
1. Before Hannah's dad became abusive
2. Memories of her and her mom
3. Times is the foster care home
4. Living with her Aunt
Comment down below if you would like to see any of these things ideas! Love ya all! ❤️ Stay safe! 😷❤️

Time skip~ later that night

Colby pov
Tonight I am meeting up with Faith to "break up with her". I'm not going to tell her that I was using her for information or anything. I walked up to her house or should I say mansion. It was huge! When I knocked on the door I could here her running to the door. "Coming!" I heard her yell from inside. She opened the door huge smile on her face. "Hey!" She said happily. At that moment I felt a little bad for using her.

Time skip~ an hour later

We were sitting on her bed talking a little. By talking I mean she was talking and I was listening to her rant. "Earlier today, I was at the mall and some guys walked up to me and hit in me. And I was like I have a boyfriend. Why do guys always hit on me?" She says. "Colby are you even listening?" She says getting mad. "Yeah sorry." I say trying not to make her even more mad at me. She smiles and starts to lean in for a kiss. "Faith we need to talk." I say stopping her. "About what?" She asks upset. "I think that we don't really... aren't really... working out." I say to her. "Your breaking up with me?" She asks offended. "Yes." I say blandly. "Get out! I never want to see you again!" She yells. I get up and walk out of her huge house. I never want to come back here again.

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