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Colby pov
"Taylor! No! Wait! I'm sorry!" I yell at her. "Obviously you still love her! Why would you be talking about her in your sleep! That's what every girlfriend wants to here when she wakes up! Hannah I love you!" She says pissed. I did feel bad I just don't love her as much as Hannah. "Taylor I can explain!" "No just don't! We're over! Done! Bye Colby! Don't ever talk to me again!" She yells while walking out. I did love Taylor and it hurt to see her walk away. I just needed a drink. I was thinking of going to the bar that's around here. They have live music and pretty good drinks. I went with Taylor here once. She said it was too loud and too much was going on. I personally love it here. I grab my keys and walk out the door. I unlock the door to my red Toyota Corolla. It has been my car since high school. My mom had gotten it for me. I loved it and it had a place in my heart. I started up the car and started driving. When I got there music was blaring and you could here it outside the place. I walk in and sit at the bar. I order my drink then a lady comes in the stage. "Welcome Hannah to the stage!" She said. I thought that ears were playing tricks on me then she walked n the stage.

Hannah pov
I walked in the stage and looked at the crowd. There were lots of people here tonight. Then I saw him. Why did he have to be here tonight. I turn to talk to my band. "Song change." That's all I say to them.

Lost love (book #2 adopted by the Trap HouseWhere stories live. Discover now