Waking up

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Colby pov
"Okay we are going prick your finger and test your blood type." The nurse said to me. She pricked my finger then left the room. She came back into the room looking happy. "You and Hannah have the same blood type." She says happily. After she takes my blood they take Hannah into surgery.

Time skip~ After surgery

I walked in and Hannah was awake. She smiles at me. "Hey." She says weakly. "Hey, how are you?" I ask her sitting next to her. "I'm fine. You?" "Well I have to go over to Faith's house later." She looks down. "I don't want to keep doing this with Faith." "Okay then I will tell her later." I say leaning over and hugging her. "Thanks." She says pulling away. Just then the nurse walked in. "How long until I can leave?" Hannah asks. "In five days sweetie." The nurse says back.

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