Gucci purse

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Colby pov
I talked to Faith for a little bit longer. She never brought up anything about her and Matt. "So um I saw in your Insta that you were dating someone else." I say hoping she would spill. "Yeah, he was just using me for money. So that he could buy drugs. I loved him, and it hurt when he left." She said looking sad. "What happened between you two?" If she could just spill. "I'll tell you later okay." She says looking in my eyes. Her eyes were dark brown and she had blonde hair. "Okay." I say giving up. If I ask too much she may think somethings up. We talk so more. Mostly about things I don't care about like getting her eyebrows done and her teeth whitened. She must have money because when she pulled out her purse I noticed it was from Gucci. "Nice purse. You buy it?" I ask her. "Thanks! Kinda. You see I was adopted into a rich family. My daddy gave me a credit card and I got this. To bad it's already maxed. He said he wouldn't get me another because this is the third one I've maxed in two months." She says rolling her eyes. "Well I have to go talk to you later babe." She says walking out. I wave bye and hope that she never calls me babe again.

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