I love you

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Hannah pov
I hate being in this hospital bed. They won't let me get up unless I'm going to the bathroom. It sucks! I'm going home tomorrow and can't wait. No more staying in bed and no more nurses watching me 24/7. I was closing my eyes when I heard the door open. "Hey, so how are ya?" Colby asks. I don't respond to him. "I know your not asleep Hannah." I open my eyes and look at him. "I'm fine, I really really want to leave though." I say making a pouty face. "Tomorrow you can leave." He say to me.

Time skip~ next day

Colby pov
"I get to leave!" Hannah says in a sing song voice. She gets out of the hospital bed and dances around. "You need to put on regular clothes." I say handing her some clothes. "Thank you so much." She says winking at me and going into the bathroom to change. "Ta Da!" She says as she come out. "Okieee lets gooo!" She says heading for the door. She signs her release papers and we go home.

Time skip~ later
We were laying in bed and talking while eating some dinner. "Colby?" "What's up?" "Have you ever thought that you were so in love with someone that you wanted to be with them forever?" She asks me. "Yeah I have why?" I ask her. "Because I think that... actually I know that I feel that way about you." She says rolling over and looking into my eyes. "Really?" I ask excited. I have loved her from day one. "Really!" She says just as excited as I was. She climbs on top of me and starts kissing me. "I love you." She says to me. "I love you too." I say back. We keep kissing and I roll over to where I'm on top. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I ask her. "Yes I'm sure." She says to me.

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