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Inspiration for last chapter ^
Hannah pov
I woke up to someone banging on my door. I got out of bed and opened the door. I saw Jade and two cops. "We are here on the behalf on Matt's Smith's death." They say to me. I could tell that I had gone pale. "D-death?" I stuttered out the word. "Yes he was found dead in an alleyway this morning." One of the cops spoke. "What? If you think it was me it wasn't. I was with Jade." I say hoping she would back me up. "She really was officer. She was with me it wasn't her." Jade backed me up. I started to break down crying. Jade ran over and held me up. "We are going to take the two of you two the station with us." The other cop spoke. They grabbed both me and Jade and pushed us into the cop cars. While we were sitting in the back of the car Jade and I talked. "Y-you know it wasn't m-me right?" I stuttered hoping she would know the truth. "Yes I know it wasn't you." She said pulling me into a bear hug. We pulled up to the station. The memories played back in my mind of every time I had been inside one. The cops dragged the both of us out of the car and inside. Oh boy here we go again.

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