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What I didn't understand was why the person would kill Matt. What did he do to him to make him so mad. If it was someone he knew why would they do it. Was there someone he was meeting with. Was he in a gang or something. I just didn't understand why this would happen. I look closer  at the image. I did recognize the clothing. It was a white ripped shirt. Blood stained red. Black ripped jeans. Some of the rips made from fighting and some that were already there. At that moment I knew who the person was. But why would he do it. I can't let him get caught.
End of recap

Hannah pov
"Matt was using drugs and smoking somethings when we were together."  I say hoping he would think that it was the drug dealer. "He told me he needed some money and I said no. That's what our fight was about." I start to fake cry. "He must have been late on payments. I should have just given him the money." I start to cry hard. "No ma'am he should have stopped. The things that this man was selling could fuck a person up bad." The cop told me. "Okay." I whimper out nodding my head. They let me out of the room and took me back to the lobby. Then I saw him. As I look down I notice I was running and there were tears streaming down my face. Next thing I know I'm being pulled into a bear hug and crying into his chest. "I'm so sorry. I never and I mean never should have done this." I say crying. "It's not your fault." He said to me. "Yes it is. Matt really was on drugs. That's why we got into a fight. He really did want me to give him money. I said no and he found someone else to do it. I walked in on him and her. The worst part was that we were friends. A long time ago but still. It hurt to see her do that to me." I cry into his chest. "I know who really did it and why. Jade told me, thanks." I look back at him. "Your welcome and who was he with?"

Lost love (book #2 adopted by the Trap HouseWhere stories live. Discover now