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Hannah pov
Today I get to go home. I can't wait. The hospital sucks. I just recently moved in with Colby in the apartment. It's going to be hard to do this whole mom thing. So far I have gotten maybe ten hours of sleep over three days. Being a mom in exhausting. I love it so much but I am tired and weak. Colby helps me into the car after he puts Boston in. I get in the car and get situated. Colby starts driving home but I notice that he goes the wrong way. "Colby where are you going?" I ask him questioningly. "Well I was going to tell you about this place but then little one was born so I just bought it." He says to me. "What?" I ask him not totally understanding. "You'll see what I mean." He says smirking. "What are you up to Brock?" I ask really wanting to know. "Here we are!" He says excitedly. I look out my window and see a beautiful house. "This is our house Hannah." He says to me. I start to cry and he notices. "It's okay, what's wrong?" He asks concerned. "Nothing it's just beautiful." I say between sobs.



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Lost love (book #2 adopted by the Trap HouseWhere stories live. Discover now