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Hannah pov
It's been two weeks since all of this started. This morning I woke up and got sick again. "Are sure that your okay?" Colby asked me. "Yeah.... oh shit!" "What! What's wrong?" Colby asked concerned. "I'm late. Oh no. I have so much I wanted to do in life before this. So many things I wanted to try." I said about to cry. Don't get me wrong I have always wanted to have kids just not this early. "Oh okay calm down." Colby says bending down to comfort me. "Colby I'm only eighteen. At this point I could be on the new episode of teen mom." I say crying. "Hannah, listen if you don't want to keep it you don't have to. But you should at least take a test to make sure." He says to me. "Okay." I choke out. He rubs my back then walks out. I look down at my stomach. "Hello little one. If you really are there then I'm gonna keep you. I've always wanted a baby. I never expected it to be this early but your here. I'm gonna treat you way better than my father ever treated me." I say with a smile.

Colby pov
I walk out of the room to go get a test from the drug store for Hannah. I wanted to check on her one more time before I left. I was about to walk in when I heard her say "Hello little one. If you really are there then I'm gonna keep you. I've always wanted a baby. I never expected it to be this early but your here. I'm gonna treat you way better than my father ever treated me." I smiled to myself. We are going to be great parents when this baby does come.

Lost love (book #2 adopted by the Trap HouseWhere stories live. Discover now