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Hannah pov
The next morning I woke up to popcorn all over the floor and my hair a mess. Why does the always happen when I bust Jade? Anyway, I today I have to go to my apartment and clean it up. I've been busy and just throwing things in the ground. "Maybe I'll see Jake" I thought to myself. (An: she lives in the same apartments as all the trap boys) As I'm pulling up to the apartments I smile. They are such nice apartments. It makes me so happy to see how far I've come and to know I'm safe now that my dads gone. I was walking into the lobby downstairs and about to get in to the elevator when the doors opened and exposed him. "Sorry here." He says moving over making space. "That's fine I'll take the stairs." I turn around and walk towards the stair. "Hannah." He grabbed my wrist.

An: I'm so sorry this is short. I'm trying to find a way to connect all of what I'm planning out. It's hard because the way that I'm doing it may not make sense so I'm trying. Love all! Stay safe! 💖

Lost love (book #2 adopted by the Trap HouseWhere stories live. Discover now