Let's go!

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So are you going to forgive Faith?" "I don't know yet." I say looking at my feet. "This would not be the first time she ruined one of my relationships." "Hannah, please forgive me." He says lifting my chin and looking in my eyes. "Okay I will." I say smiling. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He says smiling. "Of course I will. I have been waiting for those words." I say smiling then hugging him. He hugs back then kisses my head.
End of recap:

Colby pov
"Hey I have and idea!" I say pulling out of the hug. "What?" She says snuggling back into my. "We can trick Faith. I can 'date' her and find out what happened." "Okay, but we would still be dating right?" She says worried. "Of course. I will always be with you." I say lifting her chin so that she's looking at me. "Awww!" She says weakly smiling. "What would I do without you?" She hugs around my waist. "I don't know but we should go now." I say to her. "Yeah, lets go!" She says grabbing my wrist and pulling to the parking lot. She notices my car and says "You still have the same car?" "Nope! Elton wrecked my car and got me a new one." I say with a chuckle. "It really is your dream car." She says smiling at it and nodding her head. "What are we waiting for?" I say to her. "We are waiting for you to unlock to the car." She says with sass.

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