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Sumire almost lets out a laugh as she watches her teacher try to move around in rehabilitation. He was obviously annoyed by her presence and every few steps would stop and send her a fiery glare.

"Tokito-sensei, do you need me to help you back to your bed?" Sumire is getting a real kick out of this, and she knew that she would for a long time. Though she decided against making any more trouble around her sensei she can annoy all the other Hashira.

"No, Fuji, I don't need help. Go find something else to do." The girl smiles at the boy before skipping out, ready to cause havoc in other domains.

'Oh, Daisuke.'

The girl smiles brightly, following her 'feeling' towards the boy, she believes he got sick of her quickly, pretty much their first encounter was enough for him to realise he has made a royal mistake allowing this girl to work under him, but he supposes he can tell his grandchildren about her. She can be the crazy woman in grandpa's stories.

Sumire smiles brightly as she storms into the care room for slight injuries, the sort of place you have a quick visit to, not an overnight stay. A place with a quick turn over to learn how to work under pressure. Not that Sumire needs to learn to work under pressure, she's spent the last ten years with Tomioka watching her every move, if that doesn't place pressure on someone what does?

Daisuke looks over at the girl looking around the room for him. Her eyes scan right over him and continue to search the kakushi's.

'She can't tell the difference between us hey?'

"Sumire, over here!" The girl looks over to him and smiles brightly, skipping up to him, her mood seeming a lot lighter than to the previous few days.

"Hi, Daisuke! I am ready to learn!"

'She seems too enthusiastic for my liking . . . . . . .'

The man narrows his eyes at her, giving her a suspicious look, "did something happen today?"

The girl cocks her head to the side, "Hm? No, why would you think that?"

"You just seem very happy today."

"I can be sad if you want me to Daisuke, just let me go kill a few patients and I'm sure that'll bring the mood right down."

"NO!" A few of the working kakushi's turn to look over at the two, shooting them some dirty looks. Daisuke waves back shyly, apologising. He turns back to the girl, "I was just wondering, you normally aren't happy to be up and working. Last I heard you have already attempted four breakouts and every time you have been caught."

Sumire chuckles lightly, rubbing the back of her neck, 'Word travels quicker than I thought,'

It is true, four total attempts at leaving this place behind within the last week. She hoped that since Tokito was in intensive care that most eyes would glance over her and give her a chance to escape, but it seems to have done the opposite. People are a lot more cautious of her now, keeping an eye on every move.

Plus, much to her distaste, she has been moved into the care of the butterfly estate while her mentor heals, because she quote, unquote, 'has nothing better to be doing since she doesn't deserve to be doing missions.'

To which she told Tomioka to suck her fat dick and immediately got told off along with two hours of community service for the gardens. He deserves it though, he should of just let her go y'know? Just let go of years of friendship.

'If he really loved me he would let me go.' She rolls her eyes lightly at both herself and the medical magician in front of her.

"Let's go Sensei, you have a lot to teach me before the day is over." She steps around him and stares at the patient that he was working on before she walked in.

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