Chapter 44

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Riley's POV:

I haven't eaten in days. But I wasn't hungry, no, I was the opposite of hungry. The sight of food disgusted me. All I put in my mouth was water, but only enough to keep me hydrated. Of course, because of this I was weak. Very weak. I slept through most of the day.

My stomach ached everyday, and everyday it just got worse. Sometimes I would throw up, when I did, it made me feel even worse and even weaker. Maya would try to force me to eat. But I wasn't ever hungry, and I would never eat stolen food. I stayed on the church floor all day, mostly sleeping. Maya would steal and just sometimes adventure. This was defiantly not how I wanted things to work out. Not at all.

"Riley, why don't you just please at least walk around the city with me? I won't steal, I promise." Maya said. I knew Maya Hart always kept her promises.

"Sure, just... Help me up?" I croaked. Maya grabbed both my hands and pulled me up. I stood for about a second, then I fell. Luckily, Maya caught me. The only movement happening in my body was shaking.

"Riley!" Maya yelled, looking at me. She let go of me, my knees and palms were on the floor. My shaking increased. Maya watched me in disbelief. "EAT!" She handed me a piece of bread, tears in her eyes.

"No, I'm not hungry. And I don't eat stolen food." I push the bread away. She wiped the tear away from her eye. She dropped the piece of bread and ran out the church. I crawled back over to my spot and slept.
Shawn's POV:

I would always have the painting in my hands. I always cried when I looked at it. The details were all amazing. I missed Maya and Riley so fucking much. I quit my job, and would just sit on the couch all day, thinking.

I wouldn't ever turn on the TV. They always were talking about Riley and Maya's case. I wouldn't turn on the radio. Too many happy songs played. I didn't deserve to be happy. Not at all. I wouldn't ever return Cory or Topanga's calls. They always had a depressed tone in their voice. I couldn't blame them though.

This was all my fault. I have no idea why they would still be talking to me when I was the basic reason Maya and Riley ran away. I could NEVER forgive myself for this. Especially if they never find them.

I was alone most of the day. I even drank some nights. I would keep drinking more and more day after day. I would cry more and more day after day. I would hate myself more and more day after day.
Author's note:

I'm so sorry the chapters keep getting shorter and more sad. This book is meant to have a sad cliffhanger. Don't worry guys, the sequel will be somewhat more happy.

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