Chapter 4

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Riley's POV:
Maya and I walked out of my dad's classroom. While Maya was sleeping she was sobbing and mumbling some things. I knew there was something wrong with her, I just needed to figure out what it was and I'll do anything if it meant having my best friend 100% happy. It was my job after all.
"Want to sleep over my house tonight?" I asked her as we grabbed our lunches.
"A sleepover on a Monday night?" Maya asked curiously.
"Why not? Come on it'll be fun!" I insisted.
"Hmm... Alright, I'll have to text my mom and tell her," Maya said as she grabbed her flip phone. We sat at a table next to Farkle and Lucas. Lucas smiled at me and my stomach flipped. He is soooo cute. Maya quickly started devouring her lunch. She always seemed to devour her food every Monday, doesn't she eat at home? I've seriously got to visit her house someday.

Maya's POV:

After school I asked Riley if I could quickly grab some change from home.
"Ooo can I come with you?"
Her question made my heart pause for a bit. I've never shown her my house and I don't intend to anytime soon. My house was dirty, beat up, and way too embarrassing to show anyone
"I- I'd rather you not," I quickly say.
"Why not?" She frowns.
"Just go to your apartment I'll be there in a few minutes I promise!" I say as I wave and dash off. She seemed very curious and I hated it. I arrive at my house and run to my room to grab my clothes and pajamas.
"This is your house?" A soft voice that made me want to just die said.
"Riley... why'd you follow me?" I said as I was on the verge of tears. I wanted to yell at her but I just couldn't. I could tell she felt sorry for me just by the look on her face.
"I just wanted to see what's wrong with you. You've been acting sorta strange lately, and well my curiosity gets the better of me," shrugged Riley.
I let out a loud sigh as a tear drips down from my eye.
"Maya, why didn't you ever talk to me about this? I could've helped you or at least comforted you!" Riley says, aware of me crying.
"I've never been comfortable talking about this. Can we just leave now?" I beg.
"You don't even have a fridge! Where's all your food?" Riley asks with deep concern.
"OUT!" I managed to yell.
"Maya! I want an answer, I'm your best friend and I care about you deeply,"
"RILEY GET OUT!" I cry out. My eyes filled with tears again, why couldn't she just leave this alone? Riley sighs and we walk out together as I closed the door behind me.
Riley's POV:

She was poor. My best friend was poor and I haven't realized until now. I've know her for 8 years and I've only realized now. I felt so stupid. She had no food, no TV, nothing except for a small sink and two small bedrooms and a bathroom. The whole house was rusty, beat up, and dirty.
Our ride back to my apartment was long and quiet.
"Maya," I whisper.
"Shut up," snaps Maya quietly.
"Talk to me,"
"I can't believe you followed me home, why would you do that!? I said for you to wait at your house! Was that just too hard? Why do you care about everything so much? I'm fine! I'm OK!" Maya yells.
"No you're not! I care about you, and I was just curious," I say as I was about to cry, I hated when people yelled at me.
We finally arrived to our stop and we walked up to my apartment. Before we went in Maya quickly grabbed me by my shirt and slightly pushed me against the wall. She held her finger out at me and said "If you tell your family anything about this I will rip you to pieces! Forget about ever seeing my house so we can just enjoy this sleepover,"
"Ok!" I yelped as she released me.
We walk into my apartment and my parents quickly greet us.
"Are you guys hungry?" My mom asks.
I glance over at Maya.
"I'm full, but thanks!" Maya says and we run up to my room.

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