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Namjoon's Pov:

"He is ten minutes late; I don't think Taehyung would approve."  I closed the folder I had been holding in my hand, we were supposed to have our second meeting with Kim Seokjin, a candidate Hoseok and I felt would be matching for what Taehyung is looking for.

The first meeting went well, but there was a lot we left out in our initial meeting. First, he thought we were sponsoring actors under Taehyung's company, and second, he believes he was coming in today for a script reading.

Something we planned on clearing up today, but with his tardiness, we can cross him off the list. I know our boss hates delays and people who don't have a sense of time, so his being late is already a red flag.

"He fits what Taehyung is looking for, him being late is not a factor right now, you are aware of how horrible traffic is at this hour, and maybe he is taking public transportation-"

"Mr. Jung & Mr. Kim, there is a Kim Seokjin here to see you." The assistant that was seated outside of the room walked in and alerted us. Hoseok gave me a knowing look and then turned back to the assistant and smile brightly, "send him in please."

The assistant nod and walked out of the room, a few moments later the beauty we had met in the Coffee Shop we loved visiting walked in, he looked over at me and smiled, then to Hoseok before bowing politely. "I am truly sorry-"

"No, please don't apologize, it's fine, what matters is that you are here now," Hoseok said with a broad smile on his face, it as though he had been sucked into fantasy land. He didn't look like the Hoseok I usually worked with. "Why don't you take a seat, would you like something to drink? Maybe something to eat?"

"Hoseok!" I yelled at him and then turned to face him, "Can you remain professional for just one damn minute." I whispered yell towards him. He only rolled his eyes at me and turned to look back at Seokjin.

When I turned to look at Seokjin, he was smiling at me, the upset feeling I had towards Hoseok suddenly disappearing. "I am sure I have already wasted a lot of your time by making you wait, so no, I am not thirsty or hungry-"

"If you are, would you tell me?" Hoseok asked, cutting him off.

I saw Seokjin blush, and he leaned back in the chair he was seated in, "W-well-"

"Let's get to why you are here Seokjin, I don't want to waste any more of the time we have already lost, and I need to report back into my boss soon. We asked you here for a second screening because we believe the role we have an opening, you are a well-qualified candidate for it. You are the perfect type for what our CEO is seeking." I saw the look of confusion on his face, but I continued. "During our first screening, we failed to mention that while we are looking for an actor, the role we are seeking to fill is very different from what you might be looking for."

I stopped talking as Seokjin got up and threw his hands up in the air, "Listen, I thought you all worked for some upright company, but I was wrong. I have been cast for porn before, and there is no way I can bring myself-"

"Woah, wait a minute, I think you are misunderstanding, we are not trying to cast your for porn, we would never do that." I couldn't believe he would think that. I looked over at Hoseok for support, but he was only looking at Jin and smiling as if he was stuck in a fucking daze.

"That's not what you are doing? So what exactly is this role, if it's different from what I am seeking?"

"To be honest, it's not a movie; we are looking for someone to temporarily marry our CEO, who is running for the governor office."

Seokjin laughed and turned his back, not bothering to say anything to us as he made his way to leave. "He is willing to pay a large sum of money, millions of dollars."

He stopped and began coughing, turning to face us, "Define large sum?"


Taehyung's Pov:

"What the fuck did you say?" I had to ask Namjoon and Hoseok again for what they had stated because I knew I heard nonsense. "Please tell me you have a better candidate."

Hoseok sighed and looked at me, "there is no one better than him."

"You expect me to believe this? In the entire New York, he is the only-"  I stopped talking when Namjoon dropped a photo on my desk.

Talk about the perfect match.

"The room would go silent with the two of you in it," Hoseok added as I looked at the picture. He looked almost as handsome as me.

"How much you say he wanted again?" I picked up the photo and looked at his features. It was only a picture, but he was very handsome.

"One billion, he said even though it's only four years, after the divorce, his personal life will forever be public."

"I think he is asking for too much. As an actor, his personal life would always be out in public, so his argument made no sense to me." Namjoon stated, and he was right.

I thought about what he said and looked back at the photo in my hand.

"Prepare a meeting with him, and I. A billion is awfully a lot of money for a four-year job."

"You are asking for a lot, Taehyung; I think a billion is perfect for what you are expecting from him. He's going to be playing a big role being your temporary husband, and in the world of politics, you know he will be dragged into a lot. And let's not forget you want sex included." Hoseok spoke as though he was advocating for this guy, the complete opposite of Namjoon.

I thought for a moment, my eyes not leaving the photo I needed to meet this guy. "Does he know sex has to be included?"

I looked up when my question is met with silence. Both Namjoon and Hoseok were looking at each other.

"We didn't get to go over all the details."

Of course! I always have to step in and do the job I want to be done. "Schedule a meeting. Namjoon, I need an agreement drafted, have it triple check by my attorney and make sure you review it thoroughly too. If I approve of him, I will give the billion, but not all upfront. He will not get the full sum until the four years is over. I need everything to be ironed out in that agreement from sex to the possibility of us having a child together-"

"Taehyung, you know condoms and birth control exist, right?" Hoseok, of course, cuts me off.

I rolled my eyes and glared at him, "of course I know that. However, as a businessman, I know shit happens, and I want to cover every aspect of what could potentially occur during our four years together. So, shut up and listen, so my needs are met accordingly. In that agreement, I want it to state that should we ever have a child together; I get one hundred percent custody of that child after separation. It is my intention such a thing will never happen, but I need it written. Also, it's mandated that he is on birth control from the beginning to the end.

I need him tested as well. If he needs me to get tested, I can too, but I want it in the agreement. He is to be supportive and follow my orders accordingly. Our viewpoints should not differ, and if it does, he needs to side with me, especially in front of the public. He needs to be compassionate, nurturing, and caring. I need him to volunteer weekly at the children's hospital...."

I spent the remainder of my day detailing all the things I wanted from my potential temporary spouse. I hadn't met him yet, and maybe he wasn't going to be my number one pick, but he had the features of someone I could see myself marrying.

He would look good next to me, and with my money, he would look even better.

The Min's wouldn't be able to compare to us.

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