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Taehyung placed his head on Jin's stomach, gazing at him, as Jin stared back at him, "I love you." he breathes out, exploring the look in Jin's eyes. Jin doesn't remove his eyes from his as he guided his hand to Taehyung's face and tracing his finger across his lips, "your lips are the shape of a heart, did you know that?"

Pouting, Taehyung buries his face into Jin's stomach and groans.

"Can you get off my stomach? I can't take three of you." Jin nudges Taehyung forcing him to the side.

Taehyung rolled and crawled up to Jin, pressing his face into Jin's neck, refusing to talk to him. Jin grinned at his behavior and turned, hugging him. "You can't be like this when our kids are born, you know? Let them be the baby, okay?"

Again Jin gained no response, only a hug from Taehyung as he nestled more next to him. Moving his hand down Taehyung's body, he rubbed it against his member, causing him to shift on the bed and turn onto his stomach.

"If you don't love me, you can't have my body," Taehyung whines and shuts his eyes.

Jin burst out laughing, looking at Taehyung in disbelief, "you are unbelievable. I won't forget this."

"I won't forget it either," Taehyung responded, pressing Jin towards him.

The two fell asleep together, one pouting about not getting a response and the other smiling at their husband's childlike nature.


Taehyung stared at his husband, who was crying as he held both their daughters in his arms. He had been sitting next to Jin, trying to understand why he was crying, but Jin wouldn't say anything; he only kept looking at their kids.

He wasn't sure if it were some after giving birth effect consuming his husband or he was just emotional from seeing their kids. "They are adorable, aren't they?"

Jin nods his head and hands one of the babies to Taehyung; then, he cuddles the other to his chest. "I can't believe they are our kids; we made them."

Taehyung's heart melts at Jin's words, and he smiled, "I had the same thought earlier. They are really ours. We are parents, can you believe it?"

Jin chuckled at Taehyung's question, his teary eyes glistened, "yeah, you being a parent, it's-'

"Don't you dare say it. I am going to be the best parent these girls have ever had."

"Well, I hate to break it to you, but you and I are the only parents they have ever had," Jin said, trying hard to maintain his composer at Taehyung's silliness. He was amazed each day by how entertaining Taehyung could be.

Raising a family with Taehyung was undoubtedly going to be a thrill, and Seokjin was looking forward to it. The more he spent around his husband, the more he was seeing their life blending. Though they had different personalities, where one was a softie, and the other wasn't. It was a dynamic that he believes could work as he admires how crazy Taehyung was about him. He doesn't think with Taehyung he would ever feel unloved or insecure about anything.

"Let me take a picture of us; the girls will love to see this when they are older." Taehyung takes out his phone and leans in close to Jin, both holding their daughters as he snaps several photos of them.


"Are they supposed to be this quiet?" Taehyung kept staring at the girls in their cribs. Their eyes were wide looking up at him but were very quiet.

Jin only shook his head as he stared at him, he was beginning to think his husband would need a guide on babies, and he planned on getting him such a book for the upcoming holidays.

"I am going to make their food; they might be hungry."

"Taehyung, I told you they just ate; please let them rest; they are not hungry." Jin turned to his husband, stopping him from leaving the room.

Taehyung looked from his husband to their kids, "fine, but if they cry, then they will be hungry so let me just make their food now; we can keep their bottles in the warmer."

Rather than challenging him, Jin nods in agreement, "sure, why don't you do that." He gave Taehyung a smile and a kiss on his lips before leaving the room, allowing Taehyung to do what he wanted.

Later in the evening, Jin was relaxing in bed when Taehyung came into the room, jumping onto the bed, he lays his head on Jin's chest, "I am tired. The girls took all of my energy."

Jin smiled and tangled his fingers through Taehyung's hair, massaging his head. "You worked hard today."

Taehyung turned, glancing up at Jin, "I did, didn't I? Kids are a lot of work."

"They are indeed, but you are doing great. The girls are going to love you."

Taehyung was happy hearing all the kind words from Jin. it wasn't often Jin complimented, and it felt good to him, he was really trying his best, and his husband saw it. "What about you? Do you love me?" He looked at Jin, hopeful; he would hear a good response.

"I must say you kind of make it hard-"

"Fine, don't say it." Taehyung frowns and lays his head down. "Ouch," he cries out as Jin slaps him in his head. "Why did you do that for?" he asked, looking up at Jin.

"Why did you assume and interrupt me?"


"As I was saying, you make it hard not to love you."

Sitting up, Taehyung eyes gleamed as he stared at Jin, a big smile plastered on his face, "you love me?"

"You are lovable."

"Okay, but do you love me?"

"I do. I love you Taehyung, are you okay with that?"

Taehyung smiles even brighter, pulling Jin he kisses him, "I love you so much. I promise you won't regret staying married to me." he utters as they pull away from their kiss.

"I hope not," Jin whispers and returns Taehyung kiss.

Taehyung pushes Jin down onto the bed, lifting his shirt, but Jin pushes him away. "No! You heard the doctor."

"They were serious?" 

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