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Taehyung walked into his and Jin shared bedroom after taking a shower, a towel wrapped around his waist, and another in hand to dry his wet hair. "I had fun with your friends, they are cool, and Jungkook, he is funny," he utters to Jin as he dries his hair and walks around their room to his closet.

Jin, who was in bed, surfing through Netflix for a show to watch until he falls asleep, didn't turn to look in his direction but responded to him. "Yeah, Jungkook has always been like that. It's nice you enjoyed yourself."

Taehyung nodded his head at Jin's response, then he throws his towel into the hamper, pulled on a pair of shorts, and got into the bed next to Jin laying his head on Jin's stomach, eyes towards the t.v.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked as he stopped surfing through Netflix to look down at Taehyung.

"I am good, just getting comfortable to watch whatever you are watching."

Jin became puzzled at Taehyung's response, "you don't ever watch any of my shows with me, especially not at nights. Normally at this time, you are undressing me-"

"I know, but tonight I don't want to have sex, I want to enjoy a show with you, so find something we can watch together. I don't get to watch t.v. a lot, but sure I can catch up on any favorites you have." Taehyung places his hand on Jin's thigh and slowly began drawing circles.

"Okay," Jin whispers out, not exactly sure what to say as he had never seen Taehyung behave this way, and he found it odd.

Deciding he would not question it, he switched to his k-drama streaming channel and began playing the first episode of a show he had meant to watch, but never got the time, Flower of Evil.

About halfway into the second episode, he couldn't keep his mind quiet anymore; he needed to figure out what was going on with Taehyung, "did something happen with you today?"

Taehyung turned to look at him, "besides having a busy day, no, nothing happened, why do you ask?"

Jin pressed his lips together and sighed after not getting a helpful answer to his question, "nothing, I was only curious."

"Oh, okay, you know I am curious about something, too, as you never answered my question."

"What's that?"

"What happened to that guy you were with before, the one you mentioned on the interview day?"

Jin looks at Taehyung in disbelief, not believing he was bringing up a question about his past relationship, which he didn't consider necessary for him to know anything about. "Taehyung, that's not important; as of right now, he is not in the picture. So you don't have to worry about him interfering with your campaign and chance of being Governor. "

"When you say he is not in the picture right now, does that mean he will come back in the picture after this is all over? Are you planning on going back to him?"

Jin sighed and paused the show, bringing his full attention to Taehyung, "it's nothing like that. He is a person of my past. There is nothing to rekindle either."

"Well, that's good to know because our contract states you can't be with anyone while with me, and I will be upset if I found out you were talking to him while being married to me and making plans to rekindle with him after this is all over." Jin could sense a hint of anger as Taehyung spoke, and it annoyed, he knew the contract he signed, and it was not an issue to him.

"Taehyung, I read the contract, and I understood it down to the very last line, I know what I signed up for, and I will fulfill the contract's clause until the end. Even if I have an ex that I will end up with after this is over, it shouldn't concern you, though, as I would wait until we are divorce before entertaining anyone so your public image is not ruined and neither is mine. I am not here to bring shame or embarrassment to either of us name, in case you did not realize, I am an adult capable of understanding and knowing what I am doing."

Taehyung sat up and then got off the bed, "you can finish your show. I am going to finish up some work in the office."

Jin took the opportunity to sit upon the bed, too, looking towards Taehyung, confused, "are you upset with me about something?"

Taehyung turned and looked at Jin, "No, why would I be? You are being the perfect husband I hired you to be, sticking to every line of the contract, how can I be upset with you?" and as soon as he was done talking he walked out of the bedroom slamming the door.

"Okay, he has some serious issues," Jin said to himself, unpausing his show and resuming to watch it.


"You are up in the poll; I don't think you will lose." Hoseok breathes out upon answering Taehyung's call at three in the morning. His voice echoed throughout Taehyung's office as he had the phone on speaker while searching through his laptop for some information.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "I am not calling regarding that."

"Then why the fuck are you calling me at three in the morning? Do you think everyone is a night owl like you-"

"Were you aware of Seokjin being in a relationship before he got married to me?" Taehyung questioned, cutting Hoseok off, he had spent an hour on his own trying to look into Seokjin past, but there was not much to find; he kept his social media accounts clean, besides pictures of food and places he visited, there was not much to discover.

"No, if I remember correctly, his last relationship-"

"Ended a year ago," Jin said, surprising Taehyung as he stood in front of the office door, arms folded across his chest, looking at Taehyung.

"Hoseok, I will talk to you tomorrow." Taehyung hung up the phone and got up from his chair, "I thought you were sleeping?"

"And I thought you were working, not investigating me, or has that become your job? Is this the future life of Governor Kim Taehyung."

"It's my job to make sure you are not in any entanglement with anyone at this time; it will be bad for me-"

"I am aware of that, Taehyung! Do you seriously think if I had the urge to fuck around and play games, I would have accepted your offer? I am doing everything you want me to do; I am here, I make you likable, make you shine, give you my best, and make you feel like a fucking king when you need to. Why are you suddenly so obsessed with my past? Shouldn't you have done this type of investigation before signing a contract with me? Are you having doubts, do you not want this anymore because if you don't, pay me and I can be on my way."

Jin stepped back out the room as Taehyung marches towards him in anger, when his back hit against the wall in the hallway, he tried to turn and walk away, but Taehyung pulled him by his arm and pressed him against the wall. "Let's make this clear there is no ending this; you will fulfill the contract's terms! Even if I am not the Governor after next month, you will stay with me until four years is done, per the contract. Do we have an understanding here? And don't get it wrong, I am not obsessed with your past; it's my job to make certain there will be no interference in the future to what I want."

"Understood, and may I ask what is it you want?"

Taehyung smirks at Jin, "as you stated earlier, you are an adult capable of understanding, I am sure you will figure it out."

"Seriously? Can't you say what the hell you want to say?"

"No, but I will show you as we continue developing this marriage of ours," Taehyung says and pulls away from Jin.

Jin shakes his head and walks away, "I never knew a fake marriage could become so stressful. Maybe I should have done my investigation."

"There is nothing fake about our marriage; it is legal and documented!" Taehyung yells out to Jin. 

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