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Five Months Later

Jin had his hand resting on his stomach while sitting on the stool by their kitchen counter. He was observing and supervising Taehyung with preparing dinner. "I said teaspoon, that's a tablespoon. Can you please use the correct measuring spoon or let me do it!" Jin was getting frustrated with his husband. He had a long day and was hungry, and Taehyung wanted today all the days to learn how to make chicken parmesan with pasta.

"No, you said you are going to teach me, so teach me and let me do it. I got this; you are going to love dinner, as will our girls." Taehyung leans towards Jin and kisses his lips before he returns to cooking. He looked at the chicken, and then at the seasons he had laid out, then at Jin, "so, is there a season I put in first, or can I dump them all in?"

"Have you paid any attention to me cooking for the last couple of months?" Jin now felt on somedays that Taehyung was teaching him how to be a parent before he was one because no one would believe him if he told them the kind of man he was married to. Especially not when everyone viewed him as someone in charge. Meanwhile, at home, he was a big kid.

Taehyung didn't bother asking Jin anything more as he dumps the seasons into the pan with the chicken. "I knew it was this way, but I saw a video and the lady said-"

"I don't care what the lady said, just do it, and get on with it. I want to eat tonight, not tomorrow."

Taehyung pouted and gazed at his husband, "you are a very impatient teacher. I don't think our kids are going to appreciate that about you."

"Well, I don't think they are going to appreciate knowing you made me starve."

"Seokjin, baby, you had kimchi soup less than an hour ago. You can't be starving right now."

Jin rolled his eyes, "it's soup Taehyung, it goes right out! So yes, I am starving. Can you finish cooking today?"

"Fine, fine, I will make this quick, just a few more questions, and I won't disturb you. How much of the pasta do I need to make, and do I just put it in the water? Is there a specific temperature for the water too, and how do I know if it's cooked? Oh, and which one of the cheese an I supposed to use for the chicken again?"

Jin leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he grumbled out, "read the recipe I gave you. It's right in front of you."

"But you are right here, can't you tell me? I like it when you talk to me while I am cooking. That's how I was able to make the pancakes well last time, remember?"

Jin opened his eyes and glared at him, "remind me why I decided to stay married to you?"

Taehyung smiles, "because you love me, and I love you."

"No, definitely not that!"

Taehyung smile fades, "when are you going to tell me you love me?"

Jin shrugged his shoulder, "I don't know. Can you please stop with the questions and cook?"

"Fine, but can you answer my questions about the pasta and the cheese I am supposed to use?"


Two hours later, after much back and forth in the kitchen, Jin was finally able to eat. He was surprised that even after all Taehyung whining, he had prepared an edible meal. It wasn't perfect, but it was good and something he could enjoy. He likes the effort Taehyung was putting forward; even though he professed to be annoyed at times, he admires him for always trying to do more as they improve what they were becoming.

"You did well; I am proud of you," Jin said to Taehyung as he ate the last of his meal. Taehyung eyes lit up, and he smiled proudly, "told you I was a born chef." Jin shakes his head, "don't let me take back my compliment."

"If I didn't know you any better, I would say your hormones are the reason why you are so mean to me, but I know it's not."

Jin sighs and gets up from his seat; walking over to his husband, he pulls Taehyung's folded arms apart and sits in his lap, "Am I heavy."

Taehyung quickly shook his head, "no, no, you are not."

Jin leans down, pressing their forehead together, "you know you can tell me the truth; I won't get upset." Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jin, resting his hand on his stomach, "how are daddy's princesses doing?" he asked, determined that he would not respond to Jin's question as he knew he was being set up.

"They are doing fine, now that they aren't hungry anymore, but would do even better if they had cheesecake for dessert," Jin comments looking at him.

"We can go get cheesecake, but make sure you bundle up; it's cold outside unless you want me to go and get it and come back." Taehyung knew Jin would want to go; he only said the last part to be kind.

"Nope, I want to go too." Jin said, getting up from Taehyung's lap, "I will go get ready." Taehyung eyes followed Jin until he disappeared from his view. Leaning back into his chair, he smiled happily, still couldn't believe he had met his husband under such a circumstance. Yoongi might be the governor, but in Taehyung's eyes and mind, he was the real winner as now he can't see his life without his husband and their two girls; they were soon going to welcome.


Taehyung watched as Jin ate his cheesecake; he looked around the cake shop to ensure no one paid attention to his husband, who was moaning with every bite he took. "Is it really that good?"

Jin looked up at his husband, "are you seriously asking me that? Did you not taste it?"

"I don't think it's that great, especially for you to be moaning the way you are."

Jin chuckles, "are you jealous of the cheesecake?"

"No, not at all, but keep this up and see if you won't have a sleepless night."

Jin rolled his eyes, "nothing new, your kids don't sleep at night. As soon as I lay down, I swear they know it. Last night they wouldn't stop moving."

"Do you thinking they are fighting?"

Jin glared at Taehyung, speechless, shaking his head, he returns to eating his cake, deciding he would ignore Taehyung.


The end is near. This was meant to be a light and entertaining book for the most part. I know many of you have been enjoying and want it to be longer, but there will be more opportunities for other Taejin books in the future. 

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