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Jin rolls on his stomach and groans into the pillow, "can you stop!" he hoists his head up and shouts into the empty room.

The doorbell continues to ring, bringing a frustrated and exhausted Jin out of his bed. Grabbing his robe, he yanks it on over the t-shirt he was wearing, marching down the stairs fixing his messy hair as he walked.

When he got to the door, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before he yells at whoever it was that decided they wanted to disrupt his beauty sleep. Turning off the security alarm, he opens the door. "May I help you?"

"Flowers for a Mr. Kim?" a woman standing in front of him says as she holds out a big bouquet.

Seokjin looked at her puzzled, but took the flowers and gave her a smile bidding her goodbye.

With eagerness, he shuts the door, setting on the alarm, and heads to the kitchen to check who he had received flowers from. He wasn't expecting anything from anyone, but maybe he had left a lasting impression on someone, which he wouldn't be surprised if he had. For Taehyung's campaign, he had been going above and beyond the call of duty to bring in more and more supporters for his husband.

Resting the flowers onto the counter, he smells them and is surprised by their beautiful scent. Pulling the card from the top of the flowers, he smiles while opening, but when he flips it open, his smile disappears, and he became confused.

"Why is he sending me flowers?" Jin questioned out loud while seeing Taehyung's name scribbled on the card. What was even confusing to him was Taehyung had only wrote: "To Seokjin, From Taehyung." Nothing else was written on the card.

Tapping his fingers on the counter, Jin slowly takes his time to sit and lean his head to the side, examining the card once more. "Is this an apology for making me so tired this morning?" Jin whispered to himself as he tries to process why Taehyung would send him flowers, and then it hit him.

"Of course, a stunt, I swear there is not a second goes by where he is not thinking about his campaign." Jin got up from his seat, leaving the card on the table.

He decided rather than going back to bed; he would begin getting ready for a volunteering round at the homeless shelter he had also been volunteering.

Once done at the homeless shelter, he would go for a run around central park, wearing a hat to avoid being noticed. He usually liked morning runs, but ever since marrying Taehyung, it had become hard for him to run in the morning. Mainly because he rarely slept at nights and now used his mornings to sleep.


"Dinner was good," Taehyung comments as he walked into the living room and sat on the sofa, taking Jin's legs into his lap.

Jin looked away from the movie he was watching and mumbled a thank you, then he returned his eyes to the t.v., but quickly turned his head back to look at Taehyung, who started massaging his feet.

"I see you got the flowers I sent earlier, did you like them?" Taehyung looks up at Jin while he continues massaging his feet, paying close attention to his facial reaction. However, Jin didn't have one, "yeah, they were nice, was there a reason why you sent them?"

Taehyung stopped massaging Jin's feet and stared at him in disbelief, "you don't know why?"

"I wouldn't be asking if I did. I figure you did it because of something to do with the campaign, but that doesn't make any sense to me, but neither does half the things you do, so I am at the point where I stop questioning the why and do my job."

Removing Jin's feet from his lap, Taehyung stood up, "I am going to bed. I brought the chocolate you are always buying when you go to Godiva. You can eat it if you want, or you can stay up and try to figure out why I bought it for you. Or better yet, keep doing your job since that's your priority."

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