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A couple of weeks later.

Jin sat around the dining table, looking at Taehyung while biting into his bottom lips. He did not have the right words to say anything, and he didn't want to do anything to get on Taehyung's wrong side. Something he didn't realize existed until two days ago when Min Yoongi got elected for Governor.

Although he wanted to know what happens now that he didn't get elected as the Governor, would that mean they would end their arrangement early? He was curious even though Taehyung had yelled at him before about it, but that had been a while back; things could change, and he desperately needed to know what would happen next.

He didn't think Taehyung would've lost, he was on point with everything, but he had also seen the Min's they were the perfect family who genuinely looked to be in love. Yoongi appeared as though his entire dream was to become the Governor, while Taehyung only wanted the position for his selfish reasons.

Not only did he want to ask Taehyung about what they do now going forward, but he also wanted to ask about an offer he received from Jimin. Min Jimin had reached out to him with an opportunity to partner for the annual fundraiser at the St. Jude Children Hospital, he wanted to do it, but he had not responded to Jimin as of yet in worry of what Taehyung would think.

Usually, Jin wouldn't care, but he wasn't trying to jeopardize his billion-dollar payment nor rub salt in Taehyung's wound. The man was a lot to deal with, but he was not a bad person, so Jin didn't want to disrespect the partnership they had developed.

"What's on your mind, you seem you have something you want to say?" Taehyung spoke up, breaking the silence in the room.

Jin's eyes widen, and he shakes his head, "me? No, I don't have nothing on my mind-"

"Seokjin!" Taehyung yells his name and stands up, "if there is something you want to say, say it!"

"I think you should take a few days and rest; you seem a bit stressed," Jin utters and looks around the room.

"Did you expect me to be smiling? I lost that position after investing so much into that fucking campaign. Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?"

"I get it, Taehyung, but maybe if you had done the campaign genuinely, you would have won, people see through the bullshit at times. I know it sucks, but look at it, at least we don't have to pretend for four years, you are still a billionaire running one of the biggest company in this country."

"I am sorry, but do you think because I am not the Governor this ends? I thought I made it pretty clear we remain married until the end of this contract!"

Jin stood up so he could face Taehyung, no wanting to be yelled at anymore, "why? Why do we have to remain married? I don't understand!" he yells at Taehyung.

"Because I like you as I told you weeks ago, and I want to give this a shot. Maybe running for Governor wasn't for me to win, but for me to meet you."

Jin frowned and took a step back, "You seriously a hundred percent like me?"

"Do you need me to spell it out?"

Jin rolled his eye at Taehyung's response, "Oh, don't be smart with me, Taehyung, have you ever consider that maybe I don't like you?"

"Well, four years is enough for me to get you to that point."

Jin sighed as he stared at Taehyung, who seemed very serious about his confession, "were you by chance stalking me before we met? Did you do this so we could purposely get married?"

"Seokjin, if I had met you before all of this, I would have courted you like a normal person. Not go to this extreme to get you here, I might not look it, but I prefer meaningful vows over a rushed I do. Further, I never expected to like you the way I do now, it happened though, and I can't unlike you at this point, neither am I trying to."

"And what happens if I stay through the duration of the contract and don't develop feelings for you after four years?" Jin took a seat as he wanted to understand what would happen.

Taehyung took a seat next to him, "are you saying you don't like me or anything about me now?"

"Taehyung, I never looked at you in a way to develop feelings for you. I have seen movies, and I know how this type of stuff ends. I was not trying to be left broken after you get all that you want. Hence, I kept my feelings in check and saw this as nothing but me doing my job."

Taehyung nods his head and sighs, "understood, but what if I give you the money per the contract and we start new without the involvement of the money. We stay married, and we give it a try? I want to give it a try with you. Oh, and we can also get rid of the contract too, we are already married, what harm is there in us trying it out, we get along at times, we have amazing sex, I like you, and you have a lot of qualities that I admire a husband of mine having. You are smart, sophisticated, and funny, a little too much of an attitude, somewhat controlling, but no one is perfect, right? So what do you say, can we give it a shot?"

Jin folded his arms and stared at Taehyung, "you are being serious about this, aren't you?"

"I am very serious about this."

Jin began tapping his finger against the back of the chair, thinking about what Taehyung was asking him, "if you are serious about this, shouldn't you be doing more than asking me this in your dining room, though? I feel if you do a little more than you are doing right now, I might consider it. Staying married to you is not something easy for me to say yes to; you are a nice guy at times, but not all the time, and you claim I am controlling, but that's the mirror talking to you. Also, I will need to know besides my looks, the fact we have great sex, and me being pregnant, why else do you like me?"

Taehyung eyes widen, and he takes a step back, "Hold up; you are pregnant?"

"Yes, but that's not important right now; what's important is you explaining why you like me, what exactly about me do you like? I have had a lot of men told me they liked me in the past, and let me tell you, they all left me, so what so special about you, that I should believe that you like me and don't just want me around for the obvious?"

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