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Five Years Later

Jin gave his daughters a glare letting them know to stop what they were doing. He turned towards the cameras on his front lawn and gave a final wave before entering his home with the girls.

"I swear one of these days; I am going to hurt both of you." He snaps at his daughters, who had been misbehaving the entire time throughout the Christmas tree lighting in their front yard.

Mia was the first to pout and speak up, "I am going to tell daddy if you hurt me."

Jin moved closer to here, "and what is your daddy going to do beat me? Child, don't let me put you on timeout. You and your sister are testing every ounce of my patience today!"

"Mia is sorry, Appa, and I am sorry too. We don't want a timeout; I listen next time." Lily said, getting between her Appa and her twin sister.

Jin sighed and stared at his two girls, who made his blood pressure rise daily. He didn't know why he had agreed when Taehyung said he wanted to run for governor again. Oh, yeah, he never actually thought he would win the second time around, but he sure did, and now their family life was wideout in the open.

Hence, he was annoyed with the girls' behavior earlier; they stood in front of all the cameras and cried for ice cream. The same ice cream they had an hour before the event had started. When Jin tried getting them inside the house with their sitter, they dropped themselves onto the floor and cried, not wanting to go inside.

He regretted agreeing to do a tree lighting at their home and vowed he would not do it again another year.

"Both of you go to Nancy and get yourself cleaned up and come back down here for dinner. Mia, if you ever threaten me with telling your father anything again, I will make you forget the taste of ice cream, do you understand me?"

Mia looked at her father with wide eyes and nods her head, "yes, Appa, I am sorry."

"You are forgiven, now go get cleaned up." Jin turns and walks away, leaving his daughters, hoping they move to do what he had instructed them to do.

Leaving to the kitchen, he gathered the ingredients he needed to prepare dinner and dials his husband's number. Taehyung picked up on the first ring. "Hi, my love."

"Don't hi, my love me. Where are you?" Jin snaps into the phone.

"Ouch, I am on my way home."

"Yet, I don't hear any driving. Can you roll down the windows so I can hear the wind?" Jin pauses from chopping the peppers to listen if he could hear any breeze from the other end of the line.

Taehyung became silent on the line but then composed himself, "babe, I am not in the car yet. Walking to the elevator right now. Soon you will hear the elevator open."

Jin lets out a heavy sigh, "Taehyung, I am tired. The girls are driving me insane! Today I stood on my feet for four hours, smiling like a damn hyena while my jaw hurt, and those two kids of ours wallowed themselves in the dirt and acted like animals while everyone took pictures. Now, tomorrow I will be on the front page as an unfit parent whose kids cried and tossed themselves in the dirt because I couldn't control them. Now, I am almost slicing my fingers off and growing calluses on the bottom of my feet as we speak to make dinner! So tell me again, why are you not in the car on your way home? Is being the Governor of New York more important than your family?"

"No, of course not, babe, you know this. I promise I will be there soon. I am in the car right now, do you hear that? It's the sound of the engine. Baby, when I get home, I am going to set you a bath, make you a warm cup of tea, light the fireplace and let you relax, okay? Then I will take the girls and put them to bed, reading them a nice bedtime story, and breakfast, lunch, and dinner are all on me tomorrow. Tomorrow you get to relax without interruptions from anyone, okay?"

"You promise?" Jin asked for reassurance.

"I promise I will make sure my husband gets the rest he needs."

Jin smiled, feeling a lot better than he had before, "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my love."


Taehyung did as he promised he would do; he had made a bath for his husband and then lit the fireplace in their bedroom, giving Jin a warm tea and letting him relax in bed after his bath.

Once he tucked the girls in bed, he returned to Jin with a slice of his favorite cake and another cup of warm tea. Sitting by Jin's feet, he took them into his hands and started massaging them.

Jin moaned at the feeling of getting his feet massaged while he ate his cake. "After this, I want us to have sex."

Taehyung coughed at Jin's sudden request; his husband did not cease to amaze him, "Babe, I thought you wanted to relax."

"Sex is relaxing. Are you saying we can't have sex?"

"No, gosh no, that's not what I am saying; you know I would never deny us of having sex. I want you all the time; you know this."

"Even when my stomach is about to burst?" Jin asked, pointing to his nine months pregnant belly.

Taehyung got up and moved up towards his husband, leaning down; he kisses Jin's lips, "even when you are pregnant, I still think about having sex with you. You are always sexy to me, no matter what."

He knew his husband had been too moody due to his pregnancy. He was anywhere close to giving birth, and it was something Taehyung was looking forward to. When Jin was pregnant with their first set of twins, he did not go through this extreme moodiness stage, but now he was pregnant with their boys, he was moody from even before they found out he was pregnant.

While it was a planned pregnancy, they didn't expect another duo until they got it confirmed by the doctors. Either way, they were happy with the addition to the family and was also happy it was boys and not another set of girls.

Jin sat up, wrapping his arms around Taehyung and kisses him in return, but then drops back on the bed as he felt a sharp pain. "F-fuck!" He touches his stomach and cries out as Taehyung helps him up from the bed.

"I think it's time," Taehyung says, hugging Jin, who squeezes his arm as he felt another pain.

As the pain subsides, he glares at Taehyung, "what made you think-" his words cut off as water splashes from between his legs onto the floor.

"W-we are not having any more kids!" He cries, tightening his hold on Taehyung.

"Okay, baby, we won't, but please let's get you to the hospital; you can't yell at me on the way."

"You are not supposed to agree with me!" Jin yells at his husband as his breathing increase.

Taehyung becomes silent, not knowing what else to say.


Taehyung wrapped his arms around his husband as they looked at their sons in their crib; a familiar feeling rushed over him, reminding him of when they brought their daughters home.

"Our babies are at home."

"Yes, they are." Jin turns in his husband's arms and smiles at him. "I am sorry for being a pain for the last nine months."

"Please don't apologize; you were going through the most pain; it was nothing for me. I enjoyed your clinginess to me. It's the first time you have ever clung to be so much; it felt good. Having you call me all the time, me running around getting you what you wanted, I loved every minute of it. Now, I am going to miss it."

Jin chuckles and leans his head into Taehyung's chest, "you are a strange husband, but that's why I love you."

"I will take that as a compliment, and I love you more." He kissed Jin's forehead and hugged him tighter. "Together forever, no matter the weather." He mumbles, and Jin began smiling hard.

"You are so adorable."

"Maybe right now, but in bed, I am not."

Jin suppressed his laugh, not wanting to wake the kids, "I know baby, I know."



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