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Jin smiled appreciatively at the stylist, helping him out of his jacket. He thought he and Taehyung well mainly him did an excellent job revealing their marriage to the public. From where he sat, he could see that the interviewer had fallen in love with his story.

He knew, without a doubt, he would have been better pulling off something he came up with, rather than something scripted that made absolutely no sense. Sometimes pairing a lie with a tiny bit of truth is more comfortable to navigate, rather than telling a complete lie.

A knock at the door alarms him, and he turned to the stylist requesting she checks it out, "can you check who it is, please?"

She nods her head and proceeds to the door, opening it, she became shocked to see Taehyung, "Sir-"

"I need a moment with my husband. Why don't you head out for the day?" Taehyung said to the stylist as he marched into the room; he held the door as she grabbed her things and left the room. Before turning to look at Jin, he made sure to lock the door.

"Why didn't you tell them to give us a shared dressing room if you planned to enter mine-" Jin gasped out as Taehyung walked over to him, grabbed him by his waist, and placed him down onto the vanity to sit. Spreading Jin's legs apart, he settles between and pushes Jin back onto the glass to have a good look at him.

"You were amazing out there today. How did you know my order? Did we interact before we got introduced?"

Taehyung's questions receive a rolled eye from Jin, "did you need to do all this to compliment me? I told you to trust me, and you did, now everyone thinks we are the perfect pair who fell in love with each other. No, silly, we never interacted, but I have seen you several times in the cafe and heard your order about a thousand times; I am an observer, so I observed you from time to time. Everyone in the cafe always spoke about your order, even talked about making it a special on the menu. Which honestly, I didn't understand why, no offense, Chai is amazing, but I cannot fathom how you pair it with a banana crunch muffin.

Either way, that's not the point; the point is, I knew you before I met you but never had an interest in knowing anything about you beyond your order. Until I got presented with an opportunity to get me paid, and here we are."

Taehyung kept his eyes on Jin, as though he was pondering a thought for a moment, "We never interacted, but I am sure I would've seen you in the store, and I never did."

"How could you when your eyes were always buried in that oversize tablet you consider a phone? You were that in and out customer. Then you stopped coming, and I noticed Namjoon and Hoseok would come, and with their order, they would order yours and joked about if the Chai isn't to your liking, you will be mad at them. I also found out you threw a cup of Chai at Hoseok once for him, bringing it to you cold when you wanted it hot.

Further, what does it matter if you saw me then or not? I gave a story today, I made you shine, tell me thank you, and let's get out of here."

Jin pushes against Taehyung to get up from the vanity, but Taehyung holds him tightly, "So you are saying you met me before, but never had an interest in me, how come?"

"You want to have this conversation in a studio's dressing room?" Jin looked at him, expectantly for an answer as he was a bit confused.

Taehyung leans in closer to Jin, their lips almost touching; if either he or Jin were to move, they would be kissing each other. "I want to do more than having a conversation here, but right now, I am trying to redirect my focus. I am curious why didn't you have an interest in me?"

"You don't need to redirect your focus, if there is something you want to do, then do it. And to answer your question, I was at work earning my paycheck, you were the least on my list, plus I was with someone, and when I am with someone, I respect them and keep my focus only on them."

Hired Lover | TaeJin ✔️Where stories live. Discover now