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Taehyung's Pov:

I stared at Seokjin, who was now sitting down, drinking a smoothie as though he did not announce an hour ago that he was pregnant. I had was still trying to recover from the news, but he seemed fine, as he did with everything else.

Nothing seemed to bother him, sometimes it was hard for me to know what he is thinking, and a lot of times I want to know, but if I ask him, I don't know if he is telling me honestly, or just telling me what he thinks I want to hear, based on the reason that I hired him.

Falling for Seokjin was not something I predicted happening; at first, I was captivated by his handsomeness, his body, sex with him, but then out of nowhere, it became more. I found myself on my way to work thinking about him, and then it led to me being at work consumed with thoughts of him.

I would wonder what he was up to, checking my phone all times of the day to see if he had contacted me, but not once, unless I had reached out to him, had he contacted me. He listened to most of my requests, made sure a meal was cooked when I got home. He never pushed me away when it came to having sex, he was present physically, but no time I felt any emotions from him. It bothered me, especially when I recognized that I was starting to feel things I had never felt towards anyone else for him.

There were days I spent trying to figure out a way to discuss my feelings with him, then one day, I decided to test it out by telling him I missed him. That did not go well as he pushed my words to the side as if they meant nothing to him when I told him them with sincerity. I missed him, I always miss him, it's weird, but I think if my home were to become without him, it would no longer feel like a home.

I never knew how lonely I was until he came around; he makes a difference in my home. Waking up next to him means a lot to me, and I don't want to lose that. I already lost the election. I am not trying to lose him too. My intentions were never to keep the contract going if I didn't win the election, but I can't just let him go with my developing feelings daily. I want to see if we can work; maybe the election wasn't for me to win, but for me to meet him.

He might not see it that way, but I do believe it's possible. I am usually not a sucker for love or a believer of these things, but Seokjin changed my perspective and thoughts about many things. I guess what my dad said was right; I would do the right things for the right person.

And for Seokjin, I do want to do the right things, not only for him, but for our baby, but I don't want him to feel forced. Nothing real will come out of our relationship if he feels forced. He is not someone who bows down because I tell him to; he has a very strong personality. One I am honestly not used to dealing with when it comes to significant others.

Maybe if I show him I care about him and that I am serious, he will give us a chance. If he knows I am not trying to use him for any gains, we can then open up to each other. I can hear him say he miss me back when I tell him and who knows, maybe he is thinking about me when I am not at home too, but he is afraid to tell me.


Seokjin's Pov:

Gosh, I never realize how good strawberry smoothies are; I think I have gone my whole life discounting just how good they are. I feel like I can drink two more glass of this.

Taehyung is sitting across from me silently as ever, something that was new for him. It was sort of calm in the house to know he could be silent. I guess the news about being pregnant got to him.

Not sure what he was expecting, though. Neither of us was responsible enough to think about condoms since I have been here, which is dumb and stupid of me, but it is what it is. Having a baby is the least of my worries.

I am worried that if this man across from me thinks because I am pregnant, we are now hipped together for life. I know he cannot be serious when he says he wants us to stay married. He is probably infatuated with me and doesn't know his ass from his elbow at this time.

We have not spent enough time together for him to care so deeply about me. I could be a serial killer for all he knows. I would never peg him for someone who would be head over heels so fast. A very handsome man, but he is not as smart as he presents himself. I can see why he lost the election.

"Do you want to go out for dinner?" I turned my eyes to him, confused by his sudden question.


"Because sitting here in silence is not going to help you or me, and I don't think I have ever taken you on a proper date."

"You want to take me on a date?"

I watched as he stood up and walked over to me, "I do, so what do you say?"

"I am not hungry." It was true; I just had a strawberry smoothie.

He looked at me and frown, "I never said we were going to go right now-"

"Oh well, tonight I-"

"You are going on a date with me, that's what you are doing tonight, so no more excuses." He leaned forward, his lips almost touching mines as he spoke, causing me to lean backward, creating some space between us.

I didn't like it when he got so close to me; it made me feel a particular type of way. A feeling that was causing me to rethink a lot of things.

"Fine, I will go with you." As soon as the words left my lips, he smiled widely, showing his heart shape smile, a smile that made you want to smile in return, but I didn't. I pressed my lips together and looked at him, gazing over his facial features thinking about how handsome of a man he is.

"Thank you; I promise I will make it a special first date, one we will tell our kids about."

"Hold up-" my words are cut off as he kisses me on the lips gently and then pulled away. "Don't fight what fate has put together. We are married, and we are having a baby, I think we are on track with our future."

"You are crazy!" I let out, staring at him in disbelief.

"Maybe, but you are to be blamed for that."

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