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Taehyung gave a light knock at Jin's dressing room door before poking his head in, making sure Jin was alone. Upon seeing him, Jin waved at him to come in, "I am in here alone."

"Oh, are you already dressed?"

Jin got up from his chair and turned around for Taehyung to examine his outfit. The stylist Taehyung had hired to dress them for their interview had prepared a black and white suit for Jin to wear, but he wasn't wearing the jacket. He was wearing the pants with the white shirt that was tucked into his pants.

"You look hot." Jin's eyes roamed over Taehyung's outfit; he was surprised at how cleaned up he looked. Taehyung was sporting a very attractive look, one that would cause many people to focus on him, including Seokjin.

A smirk appeared on Taehyung's lips, "look who crushing over me-"

"Oh, don't flatter yourself; it was only a compliment." Jin rolled his eyes and walked away to get his jacket.

Reaching for it from the rack it was on, he attempted to put it on, but Taehyung's hand stops him, "I will put it on for you." he whispered into Jin's ear as his hand pressed at the lower end of Jin's back.

Taking the jacket from Jin's hand, he orders Jin to spread his arms as he took his time, guiding Jin's hand's into the jacket sleeve, giving Jin a gentle squeeze on his shoulders once done. Then he turned Jin to face him, "a simple black and white suit, yet you look so handsome in it."

"Now who is crushing over who?" Jin commented with a smile and shakes his head, moving away from Taehyung, who pulled him back, wrapping his arms around him. "I have never once denied that I am attracted to you. I thought I made that very cleared when I hired you?" his eyes were penetrating Jin's, causing Jin to turn his head and look away.

"We have an interview to get to Taehyung-"

"Kiss me," Taehyung whispered, turning Jin's head to face him and connecting their lips as his hands tightened around the small of Jin's waist, pulling their body closer.

Jin wrapped both hands around Taehyung's neck, allowing Taehyung's tongue to enter his mouth, but the two pulled away as someone coughed out loud.

"You are on in five Taehyung, so you might want to get your tongue from down Jin's throat," Hoseok announced and leaves the room.

Taehyung presses his nose against Jin, "we will finish this later." his tone is husky, and he couldn't help himself but leaning in, giving Jin's lower lip a gentle suck and then a light kiss on his lips.

"We need to go," Jin utters, giving Taehyung a soft push to get out of his hold.

"Wait," Taehyung mutters, he stops Jin, taking his time to smooth out Jin's suit and fixing his jacket. "I trust you will do your best today?"

"I promise you I would, didn't I? Or do you not believe me?" Jin looks at Taehyung expectantly for a response.

"No, I trust you with this."

"Good, keep it that way," Jin said and walked towards the door, leaving Taehyung to follow him.

"How to survive four years," Taehyung mumbled to himself as he watched Jin walk away.


The interviewer stared at Taehyung and Seokjin in disbelief; she knew the entire State, maybe even the country, would be in shock to find out that the most wanted Bachelor was now entirely off the market.

"You are serious here; you are married?" The interviewer asked again for clarification as her eyes looked Seokjin up and down. Looking at him though she knew nothing about his background, she was not sure who was a winner in the marriage between the two as Seokjin beauty was beyond anything she had ever seen. He was mesmerizing and very intimidating look at.

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