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Jin looked over at the city light view from the restaurant balcony. He was genuinely amazed by how easy it was for Taehyung to pull together a dinner date, such as the one they were on. Money and who you are, do give you a lot of power, he thought to himself.

Had he tried booking a reservation at such a restaurant so late in the evening, he would not have gotten it, but Taehyung does it, and it happens seamlessly.

"How is the food?"

Looking across to the man who had been smiling at him most of the night, Jin returned a tight lip smile, "it's good, not sure it's worth the price, but it's good."

"Here, I think it's because of what you got, try mines." Taehyung slices into his steak dipped it into the special sauce, and fed it to Jin.

He watched as Jin closed his eyes and chewed into it, then licked his lips, taking in all the sauce that had remained there.

Taehyung cleared his throat, watching him; his eyes were fixed on Jin's lips, making him shift in his chair. Jin opened his eyes and looked at him, "wow, that's really good. Can I have it?"

Nodding his head, Taehyung handed his meal over to Jin and took the food Jin ordered. "That's my favorite thing here; their steaks are well prepared."

"You should have suggested it to me before I ordered this."

"I did. I told you upon us arriving that there is a particular meal I would recommend, and you told me you don't want me controlling what you order."

Jin bites into his lip and looks over at Taehyung, "I did, didn't I? Sorry."

"It's fine, at least now you will know to trust me with these things. Also, I have been wanting to ask since earlier, how far along are you? Being pregnant, I mean, do you know?"

"We will see. Trust takes time; tonight, I will say you were right with this dish being the best. I am just about two months."

Taehyung nods his head in agreement; trust does take time, and he could see for Jin, certain things weren't going to be easy and simple with him.

"wow, I know we never used protection, but it's still caught me by surprise knowing you are pregnant. I don't think I ever once thought about the possibility of it happening. How did you find out?"

"Most men don't, particularly when their dick does all the thinking for them. Don't feel offended. I didn't think too much about any of this either. After the first night, I did, but then every time after that, we got into the heat of the moment, and those thoughts went right out the door. As for finding out, I have been having morning sicknesses for about a month now. I figured what it was, but again I was hoping it wasn't, but you can't wish away what's already done, now can you?"

Taehyung leans forward, so he was closer to Jin, "you should have told me since then. We could have found out sooner. I had you up and down with the campaign; that couldn't have been good for you, and we have sex so often. Does that put a lot of stress on your body? And do you wish you weren't pregnant? I mean, as surprised as I am, I am happy we are having a baby. I want to have a baby with you."

Jin rolled his eyes at how easy it was for Taehyung to say certain things, without hesitation. Being a businessman, sure made him good at talking. "I am fine; my body is fine. Some days I am tired more than others, but I am okay. The campaign is over, which was a waste of money, honestly, but I am sure you have figured that out by now. Sex, on the other hand, is excellent. Any stress I have, it relieves it, so that's definitely not an issue.

I don't wish I wasn't. I think with a new life comes new blessings. I am sure this child was needed now, so I am okay with having a baby. Staying married to you, for the reasons you want to remain married that I am unsure about."

Taehyung didn't like Jin's comment about his campaign; his face turned into a frown. Though he was happy to know, Jin wanted to have their child. "The campaign was not a waste of money."

As Jin gives him a knowing look, Taehyung sighs, "okay, maybe it was done with the wrong intent, but it wasn't a waste. I truly believe you and I was meant to meet. Without the campaign, we wouldn't have been like this, and we certainly wouldn't be expecting a baby together. I am happy I went through with the campaign and hiring you. There are no regrets for me with this. Being married to me can't be so bad, can it? We get along, don't we?"

Jin lets out a deep breath, "how do you become so certain about us so easily? I think that's where I am losing you. I get it; we have amazing chemistry together. I have never connected so well with someone sexually, but I don't know how we connect emotionally. I don't even think we do. Physically you are handsome; I think it's part of why I am now knocked up. It's hard not to be attracted to you. Still, there is so much more to any relationship than the physical attraction and sexual chemistry."

"I am going to show you something, and I don't want you to say anything, but just allow me to show you, then we can discuss your concerns on how I can be so certain."

Taehyung got up from his seat, walking around to Jin, he holds his hand out for Jin to take. Jin does and stands up. Leading him over to the balcony rail, Taehyung turn Jin to face to the city view. Then he wrapped his arms around his from behind, placing a few small kisses along his neck. He rests his chin on his shoulder and looks ahead and the view before them.

For some time, the two stayed like that; Jin enjoyed the view and the feel of Taehyung's arms wrapped around him. Taking a few deep breaths, he leans more into Taehyung's embrace and relaxes a bit more. Taehyung smiles but doesn't do anything. A few more minutes go by, and he releases his hold on Jin and steps to the side. Turning his back to Jin, he begins to enjoy the view from the side on his own.

Jin turns and looks at him, "why did you move?"

Taehyung turned and looked at him, pretending to be confused, "what?"

"Why did you move there? You were showing me something, and we were enjoying the view together; why did you suddenly move?"

"Sorry, I was trying to see what the view was like on this side. You want me to come back?"

"It's fine, I mean if you want to, but it's no big deal-" before he could finish, Taehyung was back behind him, his arms wrapped around him and chin on his shoulder.

"I was still next to you, but you missed me because I wasn't holding onto you anymore. You say what we have is only physical, but I don't think so. I think we have more than that, and if you or I let go of what this could be, we will be left asking a lot of questions, why this or why that. Let's not do that. Let's try to embrace what this is; if you can see our baby as a blessing, can't you see us coming together as one too?

I am not asking you to love me instantly but give us a shot; we can start a new, I can show you Kim Taehyung, and you can show me Kim Seokjin. Then who knows, maybe together we can fall in love with each other."

Jin places his hand on Taehyung's and strokes it softly with his fingers, "I feel like you have already fallen for me, though."

"I have, now I am trying to get you to do the same."

"So, you really like me?"

"I think I more than like you, but yes, I do."

Jin nods his head and relaxes into Taehyung's hold, "okay."

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