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Jin uses to the table before him as support while bouncing up and down Taehyung's member, he could feel the sweat dripping down the middle of his back, and his stomach tightens as his body trembles, and he moans out as he cums.

Taehyung hand grasps his waist and keeps him going at the pace he was before even as his body shook and cum spilled from his member. He could feel himself spreading wider as Taehyung's member swell inside of him.

Pulling Jin to lean back on his chest, Taehyung brought his hand towards Jin's member and began stroking it, making Jin's loud moan fill the kitchen while he thrust upwards. Jin could sense Taehyung was close to his release as he rocked against him, grinding in a circular motion, and then leaning forward, returning to his previous position.

Bobbing up and down Taehyung's member, letting out cries of pleasure as Taehyung pound against his prostate. He felt Taehyung member twitch inside of him, making him go faster, bouncing his ass onto Taehyung's length harder and with more rhythm, their skin slapping together.

"Fuck." Taehyung groans tightening his grip on Jin's waist and clutches their body together while he erupts inside of him. He outlines Jin's shoulder with light touches of his lips as he rocks their bodies together slowly, emptying himself.

After a while of sitting on Taehyung, Jin pulled away and got up, reaching across the counter for a napkin, he cleaned up himself and grabbed his clothes thrown to the side and put them on.

He had come down to prepare breakfast, but somehow things ended up like that between him and Taehyung. He probably should've stood his ground when Taehyung started kissing his neck, but he didn't; he allowed things to go down this path, and now here they were.

"This would be a nice treat every morning after breakfast; what do you think?" Taehyung looks at Jin as he adjusts his clothes.

Rolling his eyes, Jin walks out of the room to find the bathroom that was downstairs to clean up properly. He was now hungry and needed to have a decent meal, one he would be preparing himself.

"Is the script ready that I should be learning for this upcoming interview that you spoke of?" Jin questioned upon walking back into the kitchen where Taehyung was, finally clothed, which Jin appreciated.

"It should be, I will have it printed so you can begin studying it."

"Okay." Jin acknowledges and proceeds to the pantry to find something to prepare for his brunch.

"I don't like tomatoes," Taehyung said, watching the items Jin took out the pantry and resting on the kitchen counter closest to him.

Jin clenched the bag with onions he held in his hand and turned to face his husband, "understood. Is there anything else you don't like that I need to be aware of as your cook?"

"Yes, I don't like red sauces, well I like some, but not all, I think the ones I don't like I don't have here, but you can always check with me. Also, I'm not too fond of a lot of pasta, but I love rice. Burgers, too, all types of burgers, I can eat burgers and fries every day. Do you know how to make that?"

Jin nodded his head and smiled, "I used to babysit back home, the kids I babysat loved burgers and fries, so yeah, I guess I know how to keep kids happy. You are good hands, don't you worry. Is that what you want now, burgers and fries, would you like a milkshake with that too?"

A frown appeared on Taehyung's face, "are you referring to me as a kid?"

"Do you see yourself as a kid, Taehyung?" Jin raised his eyebrow as he stared at Taehyung.

"Hell no! Why would I? Are you crazy."

"I don't know, am I?"

"You are very irritating, Seokjin!" Taehyung said, raising his voice, annoyed with Jin's attitude.

Jin nodded his head and smiled, "thank you."

"That was not a compliment!"

"No? Then why did I feel like it was?" Jin questioned innocently, staring at his husband.

Feeling intensely irritated, Taehyung turned on his heels needing to get away from Jin because he knew if he didn't, things would not go well between the two of them, and he didn't want Jin delay making him his food any longer either.

While Jin had a sarcastic way about him, Taehyung was okay thus far with him in his home. Sex was wild between the two of them, he matched Taehyung's hunger and thirst, and now it seemed like he could handle himself in the kitchen. He was capable of doing the two things Taehyung loved, and with that, he would try to put aside how much he wanted to choke him for being so rude with his words.


Jin rolled his eyes in disbelief and threw down the script he held in his hand, "I am sorry, but even I can come up with a more believable story than this. Who is going to believe you and I met at a library? I get me, but you? Do you even read? What was the last book you read? And please save us both the embarrassment and not say porn magazine or the sports illustration. Those are not books, and it's embarrassing for me to hear you make an ass out of yourself."

Taehyung gritted his teeth, "your words are very insulting, and I don't respect it."

"Sorry, my dear husband, can you please tell me the last book you read, so I can determine if we lie will it at least sound believable when we go in front of the press? By the way, can you quote a famous line from this book you have read?"

"I don't read books," Taehyung mutters out.

Jin leans closer, "I am sorry, what was that."

"I said I don't read books!"

"Right, I didn't think so either. Now, how about we scrap this script, and you let me take the lead on telling the story how we met-"

"No, no chance in hell! We will stick to the script; I will not have you ruin this for me."

Jin rested his hand on Taehyung's thigh and began stroking his hand back and forth, "calm down tiger, I believe as a married couple, if I make any mistakes, it will be a reflection of us, not you alone. Therefore it will ruin both of us. You are paying me well; my aim is not to make the world see how much of an asshole and a sex addict you are. I will show them your good side."

"And what exactly is my good side?"

"Me, of course."

"You think highly of yourself, don't you?"

Jin smiled as he continues rubbing light strokes along Taehyung's thigh, "I do, and you do too. So will you trust me to handle this, or do you want to go with this half-assed script that sounds like a thirteen-year-old wrote it while rubbing one out in his room?"

Closing his eyes and letting out a sigh, Taehyung pressed his lips together and then stared at Jin, "you can't mess this up!"

"I won't; I will make them love us. Maybe me a little bit more, both of us nonetheless."

"I am trusting you with this Seokjin," Taehyung said with a serious tone, ensuring Jin knew he was not joking at all.

"I got you, daddy, don't worry."

As Jin gets pushed down on his back on the sofa, a giggle escapes his lips, "you are like causing trouble, don't you?"

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