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"I made you breakfast," Taehyung announces as soon as Jin opened his eyes, waking up from his sleep.

Jin stared at him doubtfully; taking a deep breath, he rubbed his eyes and looked at Taehyung again, "you did what?"

Taehyung laughs, seeing Jin's reaction, "It's not as bad as it sounds. I figured you would be hungry when you woke up. Go wash up and come join me downstairs."

After Taehyung leaves the room, Jin pinches himself to see if he was still awake. This was unusual for Taehyung to make him anything to eat. Moreover, he knew Taehyung had not one clue about cooking.

Hauling himself out of bed, feeling a bit sore, he groans and goes to the bathroom. Taking his sweet time dreading the thought of going downstairs and eating whatever Taehyung made. He had an interesting night with Taehyung and had okay them giving their marriage a shot. Still, he didn't know it meant Taehyung would suddenly be waking up and preparing him breakfast.

Determining that he would be nice and appreciate Taehyung's effort, Jin finishes up in the bathroom and heads downstairs. If anything, he told himself he could use his pregnancy as a reason not to eat breakfast, should it be something weird and uncook.

"Finally, I thought you weren't going to come, but good timing, I just re-toast the bagel." Taehyung greets Jin kissing him on his lips, and pulls out a chair for him to sit.

As Jin sit and eyes the breakfast Taehyung made, he tensed his teeth together, suppressing his laugh, not wanting Taehyung to think he was making fun of him. "Bagel and cream cheese." Jin lets out, smiling at Taehyung.

"There is bacon too." Taehyung places a plate of bacon before Jin. "You know I am not a good cook, so I settled for something simple that I know you would eat."

"Thank you; I will eat it." Jin took up the cream cheese, used the knife, spread some onto the bagel, added two bacon strips, and closed the bagel. Taking a bite, he looked at Taehyung, showing him he was eating what he made. It was simple, but Jin appreciated it. It was different. Certainly different from how he had previously seen Taehyung. He wasn't a cook, but he made an effort, and Jin acknowledges it.

Sitting across from Jin, Taehyung watches as he eats, "do you like it? The bagel is not over toast, is it? What about the bacon, too crispy?" He was eager to hear Jin's review of his cooking.

"It's good, Taehyung, thank you."

Taehyung smiled and relaxed his shoulder; he enjoyed watching Jin eat the food he made. He knew he didn't do a lot, comparing to when Jin cooked, but it was the first time he had toasted bagels. He usually did bread, but today he wanted to do it a little different for Jin.

"How do you feel about this place?"

Jin looked at him, "what do you mean?"

"Do you see this as somewhere we can raise our child, or do you think we should look into somewhere else?"

Finishing his food, Jin turned his full attention to Taehyung, "this place is perfectly fine Taehyung, you have two spare rooms; one can be the baby's room. No need to move anywhere. I enjoy living in the city, and the view you have here is worth keeping."

"Okay, so we stay here, but can I be honest with you?"

Taehyung official had Jin interest, "Honest about what?"

"I am nervous, Seokjin," Taehyung confesses.

"About what?"

"Being a parent, I am excited, but I don't know how to be one. I have never been a parent before. Is it a hard being parent?"

Jin takes the empty cream cheese container and throws it at Taehyung's head, "ouch, why did you do that?"

"Do I look like I have been a parent before to you? Why would you think I know how it is to be one! It's so damn easy for you to have sex, yet here you are whining over the product of it."

"Oh, Jin, I am sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I have just been thinking a lot about it, and I don't want to mess up, so I was talking out loud."

"It's fine. I am nervous too-"

"Wait, you are?" Taehyung questioned, surprised; he didn't expect to hear that from Jin.

Jin rolled his eyes, "yes, I am. I am anxious about the same things as you. I don't know how to be a parent, but it's something that I will learn how to be. I know I have put my child as a priority, and I can't live my life as I once did."

"We, we will learn. We will put our child as a priority. As a married couple, we will figure this out. At least we are together in this, right?" Taehyung questioned, getting up from his seat, walking to Jin.

"You enjoy being married, don't you?"

"To you, yes, I do. Thought I told you this. Don't you like being married to me too? Look at how I made you breakfast this morning. You know I can make dinner too."

Jin tried not to laugh, "really, and what would you make me?"

"When was the last time you had ramen? I make delicious ramen, and I know how to do it with eggs."

"Sounds delicious and exciting," Jin comments, looking away from Taehyung. He had to give him credit; he was putting in an effort.

"Great, now get let's go. I have plans for us today." He helped Jin up from his seat, leading him towards the stairs to put on something more appropriate for outside.

Jin stopped as they got in front of the stairs, "where are we going?"

"Shopping for the baby."

"W-wait, what?"

"You said we are using one of the spares rooms for the baby; we need to go pick out the stuff for the baby's room, right?"

Jin pulls back and puts up his hand, "Taehyung, I am two months pregnant. I don't even know what gender our baby is; we have a long way to go. Moreover, an accident can happen. We could lose this baby-"

"No, you don't say that! I don't know why you always think on the negative side, but we are not losing our baby, so I want us to plan for his/her birth. Us decorating the room shouldn't matter on the gender either. I want us to decorate the room starting from today, so we are not rushing later."

Jin takes a deep breath, taking another step back, "see, this is what I don't like. A marriage is not about what you want and when you want it. If I am correct, it's teamwork, meaning "we" need to be on the same page. We don't do something because it's what you want. We do it because we want to. I am thrilled and not being negative. I was only stating something that could be possible. I don't want us investing in preparing for this baby, and I am only two months Taehyung. However, if it's what you want, I am okay with us remodeling the room for now, but not adding any baby items to it yet, let's at least wait until I am five months."

Taehyung realized what Jin was saying and quickly apologized, "I am sorry, you are right. This is all new to me."

"Me too, but if we work together as you said, we can make it work."

"Does this mean you like me, and you are going to stay married to me?"

Jin laughs, "let's take it one day at a time."

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