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Seokjin's Pov:

Holy shit, my ass, my back, my leg, are so achy right now. It was rare for me to have a night that leaves me feeling like this. And it did not help that after I had fallen asleep, this crazy-ass man came and woke me up. I must say he is not a disappointment in that area, but he certainly seems like someone who thinks this is going to be a daily thing, and I don't know about all of that.

"You are awake; I am hungry." I was surprised by his voice as he appeared out of nowhere.

Sitting up and taking a deep breath, I looked to see him in a pair of sweats, with a towel over his shoulder and no shirt on. It seemed as if he had been to the gym. Turning to look at the clock by the bed, I frowned. It was nine-thirty, I only had freaking four hours of sleep.

"I am, good morning to you too, but I am not hungry, maybe it's because I am still a bit sleepy, you can eat without me. I will find my way to the kitchen once I am fully awake."

I noted to him with a smile and laid back down onto the bed, covering myself with the cover. He needed to work on his greeting in the morning, I was not too fond of it, but I would save my feedback for another time. He probably didn't have a lot of experience with relationships, and that was okay, I didn't either, but if we are going to live together for four years, it is something he should work on.

"What's wrong with you?!" I yelled out as the covered got pulled off me and I rolled onto the floor falling on my ass.

"I thought I told you I was hungry, meaning I need you to make me something to eat, not for you to go back to bed. It's nine-thirty in the morning; there is no reason for you to be sleeping still. I should be the one sleeping after not getting any sleep last night, but you don't see me curled up in bed. Now, if you don't mind, I will appreciate it if you can take your behind to the kitchen and make me something to eat while I take a shower."

This man really doesn't have a good way of talking to people, I wouldn't say I like the words he uses or his attitude, now I can see why he had to pay someone, who the hell would want to marry him otherwise, yes he is good in bed, but that only gets you but so far.

I stood up and took a deep breath, trying to adjust my words before I spit them out. "I don't cook." that was a simple response, and it was straight to the point, I felt proud, I wasn't rude.

"Excuse me?"

"Am I in your way?" I looked around and stepped away from where I was standing, giving him room to walk wherever he needed to.

His jawline showcases how tense his gritted teeth was as he stared back at me. "You are being sarcastic again; I don't like it."

"Great, we are talking about things we don't like because I don't like your attitude and how you talk to me, or should I say order me. Fake marriage or not, let's have some respect. You want me to respect you as a "governor" you are hoping to be when we are outside of this home, let's equalize that respect within this home as well, starting with you leading things and showing respect."

Taehyung looked at me, his expression darker than before, "I will make my own damn breakfast."

"As you should," I commented and turned my back to him, walking off to the bathroom. Did he think I was going to fight him on him making his breakfast? I can't believe it was only a day, if even that, and this was the morning. Talk about great sex, and disaster the next morning, this was a lot worst than my first ever one night stand in the big city of New York, who knew bar-hopping could bring forth one nigh stand nightmares. I certainly learned a lesson back then.

I took my time and showered, enjoying the amazing bathroom once again, he certainly wasn't rich for nothing, his money seemed to go towards great things and fabulous jewels, me, of course, being one of them. I think based on his attitude, though, a billion might not be enough to tolerate him for four years, but we will see.


When I got downstairs, he was sitting in the kitchen eating what seemed to be butter toasted and jelly, which wasn't surprising considering what he made for me the night before. Cooking was clearly a lack for him, I could see why he would want someone else to cook, but he has to work on his approach and asking for things.

"Enjoying your breakfast?" I asked with a smile as I walked over to him, taking up one of his toast and taking a bite, "Mmm, the burnt around the edge gives it an extra burst of flavor. Not bad."

I placed the toast back down and walked away, only to be yanked back by my arm, falling into his lap. "you are fucking with me on our first morning together, and that's a terrible idea. You don't want to cook for me, fine, but don't insult my cooking skills. I am good at a lot of things, but cooking isn't something I am good at, I am the first to admit it. I make what I can to survive, it might not be according to your taste, but don't be rude about it. You want respect; you also need to be respectful. I was impressed with you yesterday after meeting you, but right now, I am not so impressed; your attitude is really pushing me to the edge, and it's not even a week. I need you to work on fixing that."

Why did he have to say he wasn't a good cook, and like actually admit it, now I felt bad for making fun of him, but he was still an insulting person, and I don't think he could see that. And like who the hell are you to say you are not impressed me? Did I say I was impressed with him? Wow, the nerve of this man.

"Sorry if I offended your cooking skills, it was not done with intentions. I now understand that is a soft and sensitive spot for you, I know what it's like to not be good at something and feel insecure, so I will try not to do that again-"

"I didn't say I was insecure about my cooking." he interrupted me and butted in.

"Understood, but it seemed like it. Anyway, not to worry, to balance us out, you will be intrigued to know I am a great cook. I don't particularly appreciate being told to cook, so if you allow me on my time, I can prepare you with more pleasant meals than what you are having right now. Also, sorry that you find me rude. I think that's something we both need to work on. As far as you not being impressed by me, why not let's have this conversation after I help you win governor, I think then you can make a fair assessment of my actual value and your reason for hiring me."

As I finish talking, I looked back at him with the same stare he was giving me. I had to give it to him though; the man could be very intense and intimidating, I don't know how he thinks he was going to win governor with that type of look. He was certainly not getting my vote.

I tried getting up, but his hands were firm on my hips, and my eyes went wide realize it wasn't the only thing that was firm. I mean, I knew I was great, but did I turn him on, just my sitting on his lap? If that were the case, this would certainly be a fun marriage. 

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